[Haskell-beginners] reproducing HashTable benchmark

Tom Doris tomdoris at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 11:10:12 EDT 2010

Thanks for the clarification. I installed 6.12.3 and can reproduce the
benchmark timings now.

On 10 October 2010 13:10, Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de> wrote:

> On Sunday 10 October 2010 13:01:59, Tom Doris wrote:
> > I've been investigating the performance of some word frequency counting
> > code I wrote, and I came across this stackoverflow thread
> > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3058529/curious-about-the-hashtable-p
> >roblemwhere Dons shows simple benchmarks for HashTable and IntMap, but I
> > can't reproduce the "after the fix" performance of the HashTable code, I
> > am very confused as to what version of ghc actually has the fix.
> >
> > In the post Don writes "With GHC 6.10.2, before the fix, inserting 10M
> > ints:" and then "With GHC 6.13, after the fix:", is this a typo,
> > shouldn't it read 6.10.3? Since there is no 6.13 version of ghc yet?
> And there never will be. GHC's versioning scheme for releases is
> series.even-branch-number.patchlevel
> Odd numbers in second place indicate the development branch (aka HEAD).
> So 6.13 was the development branch after 6.12 was released. Originally, a
> 6.14 release was planned, but there have been so significant changes that
> the next release (due in a few weeks, probably end of October) will be the
> first of the 7 series (and HEAD is now 7.1, no longer 6.13).
> > If it should be 6.10.3, and I'm running v 6.12.1, why does the HashTable
> > code in Don's post take 22 seconds to run on my machine (compiled ghc
> > --make -O2) and the IntMap version takes only 5.8s? How can one find out
> > what release the fix for ticket #650 was released into? I've tried the
> > release notes but I can't seem to spot it, and google doesn't either.
> > The ticket has "Milestone: 6.12.2" but that is struck-through, though
> > the comments would suggest this made it into r 6.12.2, I can't spot
> > anything in the release notes for that version either.
> Not sure what goes in the release notes, nor whether the fix was in 6.12.2.
> But the patch was merged nine months ago, it should be in 6.12.2 (but if
> you upgrade within the 6.12 series, choose 6.12.3, there were some bugs in
> 6.12.2 iirc).
> However, if it's not pressing, consider waiting for the release of GHC 7.
> >
> > Can someone help clarify which version the fix will be/is in and how one
> > should figure this out in general for other issues?
> In general, ask or test. But if you found a ticket for the issue, if it's
> closed with a merge, any release later than a few eeeks after the merge
> should contain the fix (unless it's explicitly stated that the patch will
> not go to the stable branch).
> >
> > Thanks
> > Tom
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