[Haskell-beginners] Re: Problem "grouping" a list
Hein Hundal
hundalhh at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 25 10:02:44 EST 2010
> From: Jo?o Paulo Pizani Flor <joaopizani at gmail.com>
> OK, so my specific problem goes like this: I have a list of
> tuples
> :t myList
> [ (Float, Integer) ]
> And I want to "group" this list into a nested list
> groupAtoms :: [ (Float,Integer) ] -> [
> [(Float,Integer)] ]
> Of course, I want that the concatenation of the groups
> yield me the original
> list, i.e, (foldl (++) [] . groupAtoms == id), and
> the criterion that
> defines a group is that:
> "The sum of the first elements in the tuples comprising the
> list must be
> greater than or equal to 1.0".
I am a beginner also and I liked Daniel Fischer's solution. Here is another (less elegant) solution:
-- Start Code Here
-- foldfun takes an existing list of lists of pairs and decides
-- whether to append p to the current list, pl, or start a new
-- list of pairs.
foldfun done p (pl:pls) = if done pl then [p]:pl:pls else (p:pl):pls
foldfun done p [] = [[p]]
-- mygroup2 folds list of pairs, pl, using the foldfun, and then
-- puts all the lists in the correct order using reverse twice.
mygroup2 pl = map reverse $ reverse $
foldr (foldfun done) [] (reverse pl)
where done pl = sum (map fst pl) >= 1.0
-- End of Code
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