[Haskell-beginners] Re: Memory usage problem
Heinrich Apfelmus
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed Mar 24 06:23:05 EDT 2010
Sami Liedes wrote:
> Patrick LeBoutillier wrote:
>> I'm no profiling expert, but I have a few questions though:
>> - What is the size (in bytes) of your input file?
> The input file contains 31,129,639 bytes, with 710,355 lines and 27,954
> individual packages/records.
> In fact it seems that even if the input stream repeats only the line
> " a" (that is, a space and the letter a) infinitely, the program
> eventually eats all memory. That's interesting.
> So I guess the lines are read in, but then held in memory and lazily
> not processed further until the entire file has been read, because
> it's not necessary? Or something.
Yep, pretty much. Basically, readRecords returns a list of unevaluated
expressions of type Package . But because they haven't been fully
evaluated yet, they still contain a lot of references to the input stream.
This wouldn't be a problem if the list itself were unevaluated, but it
appears that sort is forcing the spine of the list much earlier than
its elements, which means that you've read the whole file into memory
without also parsing each package into a Package record. This way, you
retain way too much of the input file.
A quick fix would be to intersperse a function between sort and
readRecords that imposes proper evaluation order:
import Control.Parallel.Strategies -- or Control.DeepSeq
instance NFData Package where
rnf (Package n v) = rnf n `seq` rnf v `seq` ()
processFile =
unlines . map sprintPackage
. sort . strictify . readRecords . lines
strictify [] = []
strictify (x:xs) = rnf x `seq` (x : strictify xs)
Here strictify makes sure that each cons cell comes with a fully
evaluated element x while the list itself is still lazy. (Since sort
has to evaluate the list anyway, the latter doesn't really matter and
you could as well use
strictify xs = rnf xs `seq` xs
While I expect the above to work, I hesitate to claim that it actually
does. The reason is that I don't understand your readRecords function
at a glance, unlike the processFile pipeline, it is not apparent how
it works. Since finding and fixing space leaks is easier if your code is
more obvious, I recommend to reformulate it as a function composition as
well, for instance something like this:
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Daya.List (stripPrefix)
readRecords = map readRecord . splitByEmptyLines
splitByEmptyLines = filter (not . null) . groupBy (\x y -> y /= "")
readRecord =
uncurry Package
. (prefix "Name: " &&& prefix "Version: ")
. filter (not . beginsWithSpace)
beginsWithSpace (' ':xs) = True
beginsWithSpace _ = False
-- be warned, head may raise an exception
prefix s = head . catMaybes . map (stripPrefix s)
The rule is that explicit recursion should be replaced by high level
recursion schemes like map , filter , fold , concat etc. whenever
This way, it's much easier to see how much of the input is retained for
each Package . For instance, your original readRecord function could
read an arbitrary number of lines, while here, it's clear that
readRecord can't cross the "boundary" imposed by splitByEmptyLines .
Heinrich Apfelmus
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