[Haskell-beginners] generating by mapping

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 05:09:51 EDT 2010

Hi Szilveszter

zipWith is probably what you are after...

> zipWith Stuff nums strs
[Stuff {aNum = 123, anStr = "qwe"},Stuff {aNum = 321, anStr =
"asd"},Stuff {aNum = 345, anStr = "zxc

Note zipWith (and the function zip which it generalizes) go 'short' -
i.e. if one of the input lists is shorter than the other - the size of
the result list will the size of of the shorter one:

> zipWith Stuff [1] strs
[Stuff {aNum = 1, anStr = "qwe"}]

Best wishes


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