[Haskell-beginners] Struct-like syntax issues

Rahul Kapoor rk at trie.org
Sun Mar 14 10:58:30 EDT 2010

Using the record update syntax might make it a little nicer,
also the record syntax already provides getters and setters.

data MyData = MyData {
      a :: Int,
      b :: Int,
      c :: Int
    } deriving (Show)

def = MyData 1 2 3
-- or
-- def = MyData {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}

makeMyData :: Int -> Int -> MyData
makeMyData a' b' = def { a = a', b = b'}

myData1 = (makeMyData 9 10) {a = 1}
myData2 = (makeMyData 11 12) {c = 12}

With syntax highlighting: http://haskell.pastebin.com/LxtLZCtL


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