[Haskell-beginners] Understanding syntax problems

aditya siram aditya.siram at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 13:49:23 EDT 2010

A "type" can be both a synonym for both another type or a function. For example:

type ProcessIntList = [Int] -> [Int]

add_one :: ProcessIntList
add_one = map ((+) 1)

is the same as:
add_one :: [Int] -> [Int]
add_one = map ((+) 1)


On 6/8/10, Nathan Huesken <haskell at lonely-star.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Reading this:
> http://netsuperbrain.com/blog/posts/introducing-reactive-events/
> I stumble upon this:
> type BellMachine = Event () -&gt; Event ()
> Google did not tell me, what this means.
> I understand
> type BellMachine = Event()
> but the rest is completely strange to me.
> What does it mean or where can I find out?
> Thanks!
> Nathan
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