[Haskell-beginners] Dynamic Programming in Haskell

Ali Razavi ali.razavi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 12:40:07 EDT 2010

Thanks a lot for your through and informative response. Your solution is
well-structured and pellucid. The only part I don't understand is in the
definition of Parens:

  data Parens     = Mul !Cost Dimension Parens Parens
                    | Matrix Dimension deriving (Show)

What is the exclamation mark in !Cost, and what does it signify?


> Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 11:30:28 +0200
> From: Heinrich Apfelmus <apfelmus at quantentunnel.de>
> Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Re: Dynamic Programming in Haskell
> To: beginners at haskell.org
> Message-ID: <i11hfk$828$1 at dough.gmane.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Ali Razavi wrote:
> > In order to practice Haskell, I decided to program some algorithms from
> the
> > CLRS book. Particularly, I tried to implement the Matrix Chain Order from
> > Chapter 15 on Dynamic Programming.
> > Here is my code. It seems to work, however, it looks ugly and it was a
> > nightmare to debug. I appreciate comments about a more elegant solution,
> and
> > generally the best way to implement these kinds of algorithms in Haskell.
> > Style improvement suggestions are also welcome.
> Dynamic programming algorithms follow a common pattern:
> * Find a suitably small collection of subproblems that can be used to
> solve the original problem
> * Tabulate the solutions to the subproblems, also called *memoization*
> These are two separate concerns and, unlike the prototype imperative
> solutions, are best implemented separately.
> Thanks to lazy evaluation, memoization can be implemented very elegantly
> in Haskell. First, it should be a higher-order functions and second, you
> don't need to implement a particular order by which the memo table is
> filled, lazy evaluation will figure that out for you. You already know
> the latter trick, but here is another example:
>   http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.beginners/554
> But it doesn't stop here: there are very systemic ways to tackle the
> first part of dynamic programming, i.e. to *derive* dynamic programming
> algorithms from just the problem specification! An example and further
> references are given here
>   http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/42316/focus=42320
> Concerning matrix chain multiplication, here is my implementation. Note
> the use of telling names and algebraic data types; there is no need to
> get lost in a maze of twisty little indexes, all alike.
>     import Data.List
>     import Data.Array
>     import Data.Ord
>     type Dimension  = (Int,Int)
>     type Cost       = Int
>         -- data type representing a parenthesization,
>         -- caches cost to calculate and dimension of the result matrix
>     data Parens     = Mul !Cost Dimension Parens Parens
>                     | Matrix Dimension deriving (Show)
>         -- retrieve cached vallues
>     cost :: Parens -> Cost
>     cost (Mul c _ _ _) = c
>     cost (Matrix _)    = 0
>     dimension :: Parens -> Dimension
>     dimension (Mul _ d _ _) = d
>     dimension (Matrix d)    = d
>         -- smart constructor
>     mul :: Parens -> Parens -> Parens
>     mul x y = Mul (cost x + cost y + n*m*p) (n,p) x y
>         where
>         (n,m,p) = (fst $ dimension x, snd $ dimension x,
>                    snd $ dimension y)
>         -- dynamic programming algorithm
>     solve :: [Int] -> Parens
>     solve matrices = chain 1 n
>         where
>         n          = length matrices - 1
>         dimensions = array (1,n) . zip [1..] $
>                      zip (init matrices) (tail matrices)
>         chain = memoize n chain'
>         chain' i j
>             | i == j    = Matrix (dimensions ! i)
>             | otherwise = best [mul (chain i k) (chain (k+1) j)
>                                | k <- [i..j-1] ]
>         best = minimumBy (comparing cost)
>         -- memoize a function on a "square"  [1..n] x [1..n]
>     memoize :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> (Int -> Int -> a)
>     memoize n f = \i j -> table ! (i,j)
>         where
>         table = array ((1,1),(n,n)) $
>                 [((i,j), f i j) | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..n]]
> Example output:
>     *Main> cost $ solve [10,100,5,50,1]
>     1750
> I didn't need to debug this code, because it's obviously correct. Put
> differently, instead of spending my effort on debugging, I have spent it
> on making the solution elegant.
> Regards,
> Heinrich Apfelmus
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