[Haskell-beginners] curry in a hurry
elviotoccalino at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 19:18:24 EDT 2010
I'm sure a more thorough answer would come from a more experienced
Haskell user, but I'm gonna go and through my two cents just in case it
part 1:
'f' takes one argument (albeit one which is not concrete), 'g' takes two
arguments. The Integer/Num discrepancy you experience is due to ghci
pushing the types a bit... put your code in a file for better results.
part 2:
'f x y' has this type:
f :: (Num t) => t -> t -> t
which you could read as...
f :: (Num t) => t -> (t -> t)
... to make the curry'ing more evident.
You'd see that 'f' takes a single argument, a 't' which belongs to
type-class Num, and returns some unknown function with type 't ->
t' (where the type constrain for 't' still holds). However, to keep it
simple, just say that 'f' takes two arguments ;)
part 3:
I refuse to put myself through that twisted experiment of yours :P
Seriously, though, I have no sufficient knowledge to answer with
El sáb, 03-07-2010 a las 15:19 -0700, prad escribió:
> today i'm trying to understand curry and uncurry (in 3 parts with
> specific questions labelled as subsections of the parts).
> part 1
> if we have
> f (x,y) = x + y
> this is a function working on a single argument (x,y) albeit composed
> of 2 parameters. however, since all functions are curried in haskell
> (read that here: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Currying), what is
> really happening is
> (f x) y
> or specific to this case (+ x) y since f ends up being (+) as defined.
> now if we write
> g = curry f
> we are naming a function whose purpose is to (f x) whatever comes its
> way allowing us to do neat things like:
> map (g 3) [4,5,6]
> [7,8,9]
> which we can't do by map (f 3) [4,5,6] because
> f :: (Num t) => (t, t) -> t
> meaning f
> - is a function ... the (Num t)
> - applies itself ... the =>
> - to a Pair of (Num t)s
> - gives back a Num t
> 1.1 am i reading the type statement correctly?
> while
> g :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> means g takes an Integer, applies itself and that Integer to another
> Integer and computes another Integer.
> 1.2 how come these are Integer suddenly and not Num t?
> this is a problem because while i can do
> f (2.3,9.3)
> i get an error when i try
> (g 2.3) 9.3
> ghci wants an instance declaration for (Fractional Integer) which
> puzzles me because g came about through currying f which is fine with
> fractions.
> part 2
> now the next discovery is really strange to me.
> if i name
> f x y = x + y
> we see f :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
> which looks like the curried form of f (x,y)
> in fact that's what it exactly is and i can do
> map (f 3) [4,5,6]
> [7,8,9]
> just as i did with g before!!
> which is what the wiki statement says too:
> f :: a -> b -> c
> is the curried form of
> g :: (a, b) -> c
> however, it starts by stating:
> "Currying is the process of transforming a function that takes multiple
> arguments into a function that takes just a single argument and returns
> another function if any arguments are still needed."
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Currying
> 2.1 so does all this mean that
> f (x,y) is the function that takes multiple arguments and not a single
> argument as i initially thought
> and
> f x y is the function that actually takes a single argument twice?
> part 3
> some of the above seems to be confirmed by looking at these types
> c x y = x + y
> c :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
> so that's curried
> u (x,y) = x + y
> u :: (Num t) => (t,t) -> t
> so that's uncurried
> :t uncurry c
> uncurry c :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> a
> :t curry u
> curry u :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
> but
> :t uncurry u
> uncurry u :: (Num (b -> c)) => ((b -> c, b -> c), b) -> c
> we're trying to uncurry something that is already uncurried
> and
> :t curry c
> curry c :: (Num (a, b)) => a -> b -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
> we're trying to curry something that is already curried
> 3.1 just what are these strange looking things and how should their
> types be interpreted?
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