[Haskell-beginners] Re: multreplace
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Fri Jul 2 03:36:47 EDT 2010
On Friday 02 July 2010 08:58:56, prad wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 22:31:28 -0700
> prad <prad at towardsfreedom.com> wrote:
> > so back to
> > the drawing board!
> here's what emerged:
> ======
> #!/usr/bin/env runghc
> module Main where
> import Useful as U
> main = do
> let str = "This is original string"
> let ss = ["orig","ing"]
> let rs = ["very orig","ucture"]
> putStrLn $ head (multRepl str ss rs)
> --multRepl :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
> multRepl [] _ _ = []
> multRepl str (s:ss) (r:rs) = do
> let newStr = U.replace str s r
> if (length ss) == 0
don't do that. If you want to know whether a list is empty, use null.
if null ss
then ...
calculating the length of a list can be very costly.
> then return newStr
> else multRepl newStr ss rs
> =======
What you probably want is
multRepl [] _ _ = []
multRepl str (s:ss) (r:rs) =
let newStr = U.replace str s r
in multRepl newStr ss rs
multRepl str _ _ = str
> this does produce the correct output:
> This is very original structure
> and here are my questions:
> 1. the type
> *Main Useful> :t multRepl
> multRepl :: (Eq t) => [t] -> [[t]] -> [[t]] -> [[t]]
> but i have it returning newStr which equals U.replace str s r
> and the type of U.replace is String as shown below
> *Main Useful> :t Useful.replace
> Useful.replace :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> so why is it returning [String] when newStr isn't a list of strings?
Because return in Haskell is entirely different from the return you may
know from C/Java/...
In Haskell, return is an ordinary function with the type
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
The first equation of multRepl,
multRepl [] _ _ = []
says multRepl's result is some list type ([a], with an as yet unkown a)
later, you have
if something
then return newStr
else ...
newStr is a list of something (by the type of Useful.replace, newStr has
the same type as multRepl's first argument), so, by the type of return,
multRepl's result must be have the type m ([b]) for some Monad m and some
type b (the type of elements of str). Together with what we know from the
first equation, it follows m = [] (indeed, [] is a Monad), so the result
type is [[b]]
> 2. is the way i've done it proper haskellian? it took me quite some
> time to think this out trying to find my way through the fog of
> imperative programming.
Bad argument order.
If you had
replace pattern replacement string
you could make
multRepl pats reps = foldr (.) id (zipWith replace pats reps)
Using a higher order combinator like foldr is more haskellish than explicit
recursion :)
> (my apologies for replying to my own posts - as well as my
> appreciation for your assistance)
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