[Haskell-beginners] Code help requested
Tim Perry
perry2of5 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 13 14:58:17 EST 2010
A side benefit of using foldl' instead of foldr is that I can now run it against the entire dictionary!
I found a good explanation of why here:
----- Original Message ----
From: Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de>
To: beginners at haskell.org
Cc: Tim Perry <perry2of5 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, January 13, 2010 2:56:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Code help requested
Am Mittwoch 13 Januar 2010 03:38:46 schrieb Tim Perry:
> I compiled the original version, Yusaka's version, and a version I wrote
> and found the following:
> $ time ./Anagram_me < /usr/share/dict/words > /dev/null
> real 0m2.197s
> user 0m2.040s
> sys 0m0.160s
> $ time ./Anagram_JoeVanDyke < /usr/share/dict/words > /dev/null
> real 0m4.570s
> user 0m4.290s
> sys 0m0.260s
> perry at emperor:~/haskell$ time ./Anagram_Yusaku < /usr/share/dict/words >
> /dev/null real 0m1.337s
> user 0m1.230s
> sys 0m0.100s
> From
> this, it looks like mine version takes less than half the time of the
> original. However, if I run a bigger dictionary (Ubuntu package
> wamerican-large instead of wamerican-small) then I'm only about 30%
> faster than the original. This makes me think I have some sort of
> exponential data structure growth going on. Here is my version. Can
> anyone confirm that data structure growth is the problem with my
> approach? Thanks, Tim
> import Data.List as Lst
> import Data.Map as Map
> -- This version only displays words that have more than two
> -- match in the list, and sorts by the words that got the most matches.
> -- Can we do the map bit better?
> main = do
> input <- getContents
> print $ anagrams $ lines input
> anagrams words =
> sorted_anagrams
> where
> sorted_anagrams = sortBy sorter filtered_anagrams
> sorter a b = compare (length b) (length a)
> longEnoughWords = [x | x <- words, length x > 1]
The words are short here, so it's not catastrophic, but
*don't use length unless you really want to know the length*
Here, use (not . null . drop 1) [an input line might be empty, so don't use
tail], in general, instead of
length list > k, use not . null $ drop k list;
if you want to check (length list == k),
case drop (k-1) list of
(_:[]) -> True
_ -> False
is O(min k (length list)), if there's a slight possibility that the list is
much longer than k, it's safer.
However, it's unlikely that there are more than 52 one-letter words in the
word list, so filtering out those shouldn't make it faster.
> filtered_anagrams = [x | x <- Map.elems $ foldr insert empty $
> wordPairs, length x > 2] where
That's bad.
Using foldr to construct the map, you must have the whole list from which
to construct it in the memory at once - since the list takes less memory
than the map, that is not a real problem, if you run out of memory thus,
you would anyway - and can start constructing the map only after the entire
reading is done - this is the real problem.
You build a nice huge thunk that way, which may blow the stack. And it's
foldr is for the cases where you can start returning output before the
entire list has been consumed, a necessary condition for that is that the
accumulation function is lazy in its second argument, like (++), (&&),
In practically all other cases, you want foldl' (there might be a few cases
where foldl is what you want, I haven't seen such a case yet, though).
> wordPairs = zip (Prelude.map Lst.sort longEnoughWords)
> longEnoughWords
> insert (sorted, original) = insertWith (++) sorted [original]
changing foldr to foldl' and insert to
insert m (sorted,original) = insertWith (++) sorted [original] m
reduces the time on my /usr/share/dict/words from 31 seconds to 8.
The difference is 0.64s vs 0.76s for 40,000 words, 1.17s vs. 1.80s on
70,000 words, 2.12s vs. 4.22s on 120,000 words.
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