[Haskell-beginners] Parse error in pattern
Florian Duret
flo.morphe at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 07:17:38 EST 2010
Thank you Daniel, this helps a lot !
As you can guess, I come from the imperative world, but want to discover
functionnal languages (thanks to xmonad).
Thank you very much for your explainations. I think I will fall in that trap
again, but next time, I should be able to fix it myself. I still don't
understand exactly what lies behind, but start to get the picture. I didn't
change anything besides the position of the 'do' and the deletion of the
'return ()'.
I will modify the code with the realWork function as you suggested. I looks
much nicer.
As of the last problem, with the intToDigit function. I already knew about
the bug. I actually knew it wouldn't work since it is takes only argument
from 0 to 15... Well, that was lazy from me. I just wanted to write the
statement so that I don't forget it.
Danke sehr.
2010/2/26 Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de>
> Am Freitag 26 Februar 2010 18:34:35 schrieb Florian Duret:
> > It seems that both your suggestions have worked ! Thank you very much.
> > But I still can't figure out what went wrong.
> Did you change anything besides removing the "do" and "return ()" from the
> then-branch and insert the "do" in the else-branch?
> If not, you've been bitten by a somewhat less than obvious aspect of layout
> - although it's pretty clear with an explanation.
> A new layout-block isn't opened by a larger indentation, but by the
> keywords do, let, of and where.
> So, when you write
> ... = do
> xxx
> if blah
> then do
> foo
> bar
> else
> baz
> zap
> the "do" after the then opens a new layout-block inside the big do-block,
> since you didn't insert an explicit brace. The indentation level thereof
> is determined by the 'f' of "foo", bar is indented to the same level as
> foo, so it's a new expression in that same block.
> The else is indented less than the foo, so that ends the inner layout-block
> and we return to the layout-block of the big do-block. The indentation
> level thereof is determined by the first 'x', and the "if" is indented to
> the same level.
> The else, the baz and the zap are all indented further than the if, so they
> all belong to the if-expression (as intended).
> But since there's no "do" after the "else", all that is on one logical
> line, it's parsed as
> ... = do
> xxx
> if blah then do { foo; bar } else baz zap
> Not what was intended, but it parses just fine.
> Now you didn't have
> baz
> zap
> but
> baz <- bong
> zap
> and since we're still having only one logical line for the if-expression,
> the parser sees that as
> ... = do
> xxx
> if blah then do { foo; bar } else baz <- bong zap
> But the syntax is
> pattern <- expression
> so the parser tries to parse
> if blah then do { foo; bar } else baz
> as a pattern. But it doesn't conform to the pattern productions, hence the
> parse error.
> >
> > My initial goal was to keep the minimum inside the if ... then ... else
> > statement. Basically, if the list is empty, then stop. If not, then
> > assign the argument to sacFile1, and go on with the rest.
> It would be cleanest to have
> realWork :: FileName -> IO ()
> realWork file = do
> sacFile1 <- openBinaryFile file ReadMode
> ...
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> argList <- getArgs
> case argList of
> [] -> putStrLn "No filename ..."
> (f:_) -> realWork f
> or
> if null argList
> then putStrLn "..."
> else realWork (head argList)
> , je pense.
> >
> > Here is what it looks like now:
> > module Main () where
> >
> > import System.IO
> > import System.Environment(getArgs)
> > import Data.Char(intToDigit)
> >
> > import SAC_Type
> > import SAC_IO
> >
> > main :: IO()
> > main = do
> > -- On commence par ouvrir le fichier SAC en mode binaire
> > argsList <- getArgs
> > if (null argsList)
> > then
> > putStrLn $ "No filename given to the program.\n $
> > ProgramName file.sac"
> > else do
> > sacFile1 <- openBinaryFile (head argsList) ReadMode
> >
> > position <- hTell sacFile1
> > putStrLn $ "Position 1: " ++ [intToDigit( fromInteger
> > (position) )]
> >
> > hSeek sacFile1 AbsoluteSeek 440
> > position2 <- hTell sacFile1
> > putStrLn $ "Position 2: " ++ [intToDigit( fromInteger
> > (position2) )]
> I don't think that's what you really want:
> Prelude Data.Char> intToDigit 440
> *** Exception: Char.intToDigit: not a digit 440
> perhaps you wanted
> putStrLn $ "Position 2: " ++ show position2
> ?
> >
> > -- A la fin, il faut evidemment le fermer
> > hClose sacFile1
> >
> >
> > Thank you, Danke, 谢谢, merci, etc...
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