[Haskell-beginners] Haskell and OpenGL

Stephen Blackheath [to Haskell-Beginners] mutilating.cauliflowers.stephen at blacksapphire.com
Thu Feb 25 17:58:26 EST 2010


Hopefully this will help.  I chopped some bits out of a working program
that you should be able to use as a skeleton.  If you have any other
OpenGL package questions, ask away.  I've been using it a lot.


import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import Graphics.UI.GLUT

display :: IO ()
display = do
    clearColor $= bgColour
    clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer]

    ... draw stuff here ...


animate :: IO ()
animate = do
    postRedisplay Nothing
    addTimerCallback 16 $ animate

main :: IO ()
main = do
    initialDisplayMode $= [DoubleBuffered, WithDepthBuffer]
    createWindow "Hello"

    -- OpenGL initialization - must be after 'createWindow'

    windowSize $= Size 700 700
    depthFunc  $= Just Less
    shadeModel $= Smooth

    lighting $= Enabled
    ambient (Light 0) $= Color4 0.1 0.1 0.1 (tof 1)
    diffuse (Light 0) $= Color4 0.9 0.9 0.9 (tof 1)
    light (Light 0) $= Enabled

    displayCallback $= display
    addTimerCallback 16 $ animate  -- refresh every 16 milliseconds

Tyler Hayes wrote:
> For anyone comfortable with OpenGl in Haskell,
> what is the equivalent for glutTimerFunc?
> Is it addTimerCallback?  If so, how does it work--I've tried it and I
> can't seem to get it to work...
> It's really odd that there are straightforward implementations of
> callbacks for display, window resize, keyboard/mouse, etc., but not for
> something as common as a timer callback.
> Thanks,
> Tyler
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