[Haskell-beginners] foldr for Nats

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 16:56:14 EST 2010


I'm suspecting this isn't homework as you've waited a week so would
presumably have missed a deadline.

As Daniel Fischer wrote, one view of folds is that they replace the
constructors of a data type, code follows...

data Nat = Z | S Nat   deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- Look at the type of foldr...

-- *GHCi> :t foldr
-- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

-- It has 2 'constructor replacements':
-- (a -> b -> b) & b

-- Replacing Z is easy, we can get some code to compile
-- by avoiding the hard bit with a wildcard pattern "_"...

foldrNat1 :: unknown -> b -> Nat -> b
foldrNat1 _ b Z = b

-- What to do about the constructor (S ..) takes a bit more
-- thought or at least some experimenting. I'll do the later...

-- One thing to try, is to simply translate foldr with as few
-- changes as possible:

-- foldr            :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
-- foldr _ z []     =  z
-- foldr f z (x:xs) =  f x (foldr f z xs)

-- Unfortunately this leads to a problem:

foldrNat2 :: (Nat -> b -> b) -> b -> Nat -> b
foldrNat2 f b Z     = b     -- Z case is the same as before
foldrNat2 f b (S n) = f undefined (foldrNat2 f b n) -- Arggh! undefined

-- undefined is useful for prototyping, but its a real
-- problem for running code!

-- Actually I had another problem as well...
-- The difference between Nat and [a] is that List 'carries' some data
-- therefore (Nat -> b -> b) on Nat is not equivalent to (a -> b -> b)
-- on [a].

-- So rather than change the type signature first, get rid of the
-- undefined and see what happens

foldrNat3 f b Z     = b
foldrNat3 f b (S n) = f (foldrNat3 f b n)

-- *GHCi> :t foldrNat3
-- > (t -> t) -> t -> Nat -> t

-- GHCi likes to call type variables t, but the signature is equal to

-- foldrNat3 :: (b -> b) -> b -> Nat -> b

-- This looks promising - it typechecks!
-- So try a test:

fromNat :: Nat -> Int
fromNat n = foldrNat3 (+1) 0 n

demo1 = fromNat (S (S (S Z)))   -- 3 ??

-- By experimenting we seem to have a good answer,
-- other people might prefer a more rigorous proof though.

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