[Haskell-beginners] lambda

John Moore john.moore54 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 17:15:58 CET 2010

    Can someone explain how this lambda is suppose to work, I cannot figure
out what it does?

data Lambda = Val Double
               | Add Lambda Lambda
               | Subtract Lambda Lambda
               | Multiply Lambda Lambda
               | Divide Lambda Lambda
        | Var String
        | Let String Lambda Lambda
        deriving Show
demo1 = (Add(Multiply(Divide(Subtract(Val 25)(Val 5))(Val 10))(Val 7))(Val
--let x = 1+1 in 3 - x
test1 = Let "x" (Add (Val 1) (Val 1)) (Add(Var "x")(Var "x"))
test6 = Let "y" (Add (Val 7)(Val 6)) (Subtract (Val 6)(Var "y"))
-- 4 * (let x = 1+1 in 3 + x)
test2 = Multiply (Val 4) test1
-- x * (let x = 1+1 in 3 + x)
test3 = Let "y" (Add (Val 4)(Val 7))(Multiply  test1 (Var "y"))
test5 = Add (test1) test6
type Dict =[(String,Lambda)]-- dictionary which takes a string and an
emptyDict :: Dict
emptyDict = []-- empty dictionary null set
addEntry :: String->Lambda ->Dict -> Dict
addEntry= \n e d -> (n,e): d --  add an entry we take a string,expression
and a dictionary :gives back dictionary

lookupEntry :: String -> Dict -> Maybe Lambda
lookupEntry n [] = Nothing
lookupEntry n (x:xs) = if (n == k)-- if the entry is equal to
   then (Just v)
                else lookupEntry n xs -- find the value of n in the rest of
the list
   where (k,v) = x   --

evalStep :: Dict -> Lambda ->  Lambda
evalStep d (Val x) =  (Val x)-- we have a dictionary and a value return the

evalStep d(Add x y)-- dictionary and a add expression of x y
  = case x of
      (Val a) -> case y of
                   (Val b) ->  Val (a+b)
                   left -> Add x (evalStep d y)
      right -> Add (evalStep d x)y
evalStep d(Subtract x y)
  = case x of
      (Val a) -> case y of
                   (Val b) -> Val (a-b)
                   left -> Subtract x (evalStep d y)
      right -> Subtract (evalStep d x)y
evalStep d(Multiply x y)
  = case x of
      (Val a) -> case y of
                   (Val b) -> Val (a*b)
                   left -> Multiply x (evalStep d y)
      right -> Multiply (evalStep d x)y
evalStep d (Divide x y)
  = case x of
      (Val a) -> case y of
                   (Val b) -> Val (a/b)
                   left -> Divide x (evalStep d y)
      right -> Divide (evalStep d x)y
evalStep d (Let n e1 e2)
   = case e1 of
 (Val a) -> case e2 of
  (Val b)-> Val b
  left -> evalStep (addEntry n e1 d)e2
 right ->  evalStep (addEntry  n e1 d) e2

evalStep d (Var x)
   = case lookup x d of
       Just e -> e
       Nothing -> error "Error in expression -- no definition for variable!"

evaluate :: Dict-> [Lambda] -> Lambda -> IO()
evaluate d(x:xs) e = do
     putStrLn (show e)
     putStrLn "Do another step (y/n) or rollback (r)? :"
     c <- getLine
     case c of
       "y" -> let e'= (evalStep d e)in evaluate d (e:x:xs) e'-- build up

       "r" ->  case (x:xs) of
  (x:xs)-> evaluate d xs x
  []-> do { putStrLn "Empty"
   ;evaluate d(x:xs) e
       "n"  ->  putStrLn $ "Ok you said no :" ++ c

ev :: Dict-> [Lambda] -> Lambda -> IO()
ev = \d (x:xs) e ->do
     putStrLn (show e)
     putStrLn "Do another step (y/n) or rollback (r)? :"
     c <- getLine
     case c of
       "y" -> let e'= (evalStep d e)in evaluate d (e:x:xs) e'-- build up

       "r" ->  case (x:xs) of
  (x:xs)-> evaluate d xs x
  []-> do { putStrLn "Empty"
   ;evaluate d(x:xs) e
       "n"  ->  putStrLn $ "Ok you said no :" ++ c

isFree :: String -> Lambda -> Bool
isFree n1 (Let n2 e1 e2)
 |n1 == n2 = False
 |otherwise = True

subst :: String -> Lambda -> Lambda->Lambda
subst n e1 e2
 |isFree n e2 = subst' n e1 e2
 |otherwise = e2
subst' :: String -> Lambda -> Lambda->Lambda
subst' n0 e1 (Var n1)
 |n0 == n1 = e1
 |otherwise = Var n1
subst' s v (Add e1 e2) = Add(subst' s v e1)(subst' s v e2)
subst' s v (Multiply e1 e2) = Multiply(subst' s v e1)(subst' s v e2)
subst' s v (Divide e1 e2) = Divide(subst' s v e1)(subst' s v e2)
subst' s v (Subtract e1 e2) = Subtract(subst' s v e1)(subst' s v e2)

subst' s v (Let n e1 e2) = Let n (subst' s v e1)(subst' s v e2)
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