Fwd: [Haskell-beginners] instances of different kinds

Tobias Brandt tob.brandt at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 27 05:15:47 EDT 2010

Forgot to reply to the list, sorry.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tobias Brandt <tob.brandt at googlemail.com>
Date: 27 August 2010 11:14
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] instances of different kinds
To: Greg <greglists at me.com>

On 27 August 2010 10:58, Greg <greglists at me.com> wrote:
> data Foo a = Foo a
> class TwoPi a where
>   div2pi :: (Floating b) => a -> b

div2pi is polymorphic in a AND b. They are completely independent.

> instance (Floating a) => TwoPi (Foo a) where
>   div2pi (Foo a) = a / (2*pi)

but here, div2pi has type Floating a => Foo a -> a.

> data Foo a = Foo a
> class TwoPi a where
>   div2pi :: a -> Float
> instance (Floating b) => TwoPi (Foo b) where
>   div2pi (Foo b) = b / (2*pi)

now div2pi has type Floating a :: Foo a -> a, but should
have Floating a :: Foo a -> Float

There are two possible solutions (I can think of).

1. make div2pi less polymorphic:

  class TwoPi a where div2pi :: a -> a

  then your first instance works

2. use associated types:

  class TwoPi a where
      type TwoPiRes a
      div2pi :: a -> TwoPiRes a

  instance Floating a => TwoPi (Foo a) where
      type TwoPiRes (Foo a) = a
      div2pi (Foo a) = a /(2*pi)

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