[Haskell-beginners] Re: monad nomad gonad gomad
Michael Mossey
mpm at alumni.caltech.edu
Sat Aug 14 21:28:03 EDT 2010
For your string-manipulation problem, I don't think you meant to use
do-notation. The compiler accepted it because sees it as the list monad,
and as a coincidence of the way you wrote it, it did what you expected.
Try this, using (let ... in ) syntax.
> mkTxt :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> [String]
> mkTxt conn tS =
> let wL = words (rpNls tS)
> ((f,vL):zz) = gtInx wL ["```"]
> rvL = reverse vL
> in doIns wL rvL
> where doIns wL [] = wL
> doIns wL (v:vs) =
> let (f,a:b:ss) = splitAt v wL
> in (doIns f vs) ++ ["aoeeuu"] ++ ss
Next readFile has the signature
readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
So the way I think of it is that any function using it has to return a
result of "IO <something>"
You would have to call your pure function mkTxt from inside a monadic
run :: IO ()
run = do
zzzz <- readFile "zzpubs.txt"
-- assuming mkTxt is modified to accept a third arg
let result = mkTxt conn ts zzzz
print result
Finally, yes Haskell complains about type-related faults in identifiers you
don't use... because it is trying to help you find your mistakes. How does
it know it wasn't a mistake on your part?
This is an advantage over script languages.
prad wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 21:39:33 -0700
> prad <prad at towardsfreedom.com> wrote:
>> "I think It's time for you to get serious with the monads"
>> that's just what i'm going to do!
> i'm asking the question in this thread because i think it has something
> to do with monads though i'm not sure. in fact, the problem seems
> completely bizarre to me.
> i have a function:
> mkTxt :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> [String]
> mkTxt conn tS = do
> --zzzz <- readFile "zzpubs.htm"
> let wL = words (rpNls tS)
> ((f,vL):zz) = gtInx wL ["```"]
> rvL = reverse vL
> doIns wL rvL
> where doIns wL [] = wL
> doIns wL (v:vs) = do
> let (f,a:b:ss) = splitAt v wL
> (doIns f vs) ++ ["aoeeuu"] ++ ss
> the program compiles and runs fine.
> however, if i remove the comment dashes to allow
> zzzz <- readFile "zzpubs.htm"
> the compiler produces what is to me an incomprehensible rationale for
> an error:
> ====
> gadit.hs:103:4:
> Couldn't match expected type `IO String'
> against inferred type `[String]'
> In a stmt of a 'do' expression: zzzz <- readFile "zzpubs.htm"
> In the expression:
> do { zzzz <- readFile "zzpubs.htm";
> let wL = words (rpNls tS)
> ((f, vL) : zz) = gtInx wL ...
> ....;
> doIns wL rvL }
> In the definition of `mkTxt':
> mkTxt conn tS
> = do { zzzz <- readFile "zzpubs.htm";
> let wL = ...
> ....;
> doIns wL rvL }
> where
> doIns wL [] = wL
> doIns wL (v : vs)
> = do { let ...;
> .... }
> ====
> i don't do anything with zzzz!!
> it merely is the name i'm giving to the monadic computation to read in
> a file. in fact, it has nothing to do with the rest of the function
> because i don't use it at all.
> why is the compiler complaining?
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