[Haskell-beginners] Applicative Functors: Rose Trees with an alternate behavior

Travis Erdman traviserdman at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 10 03:49:51 EDT 2010

The rose trees implemented in Data.Tree behave in the same way as the applicative style on lists (ie all possible combinations/permutations).  I need a different behavior: one-to-one application.

So, using the Data.Tree code, if I start with this tree:

*Main Data.Traversable> putStrLn $ drawTree (fmap show temp2)
+- 2
`- 3

and then try this:

*Main Data.Traversable> putStrLn $ drawTree (fmap show $ sequenceA [temp2,temp2])
+- [1,2]
+- [1,3]
+- [2,1]
|  |
|  +- [2,2]
|  |
|  `- [2,3]
`- [3,1]
   +- [3,2]
   `- [3,3]

It gives all the combinations/permutations.  I need this:

*Main Data.Traversable> putStrLn $ drawTree (fmap show $ seqA [temp2,temp2])
+- [2,2]
`- [3,3]

But then only way I could get that result was to (re-)write my own sequenceA function (called it seqA), which I suspect shouldn't be necessary.  If I use the built-in sequenceA, I get (only) this:

*Main Data.Traversable> putStrLn $ drawTree (fmap show $ sequenceA [temp2,temp2])

Here's my code:

data Tree a = Node {fromNode :: !a, fromNodeForest :: !(Forest a)}
    deriving (Show, Eq)

type Forest a = [Tree a]
zipWithForest = zipWith
emptyForest = [] 

instance Functor Tree where
    fmap f (Node x subtrees) = Node (f x) (fmap (fmap f) subtrees)

instance Applicative Tree where
    pure x = Node x emptyForest
    (<*>) (Node f tfs) (Node cargo subtrees) = Node (f cargo) (zipWithForest (<*>) tfs subtrees)

seqA :: (Applicative f) => [f a] -> f [a]  
seqA (x:xs) = foldr (liftA2 (:)) (fmap (const []) x) (x:xs)

I think I've got something wrong in how I've defined the Applicative Functor methods, and "cheating" by writing a custom sequenceA function to work around the deficiency.  What is the proper fix?

thanks again,



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