[Haskell-beginners] Re: Re: Converting an imperative program to haskell

Maciej Piechotka uzytkownik2 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 20:43:47 EDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 14:49 -0700, Hein Hundal wrote:
> --- On Thu, 4/29/10, Maciej Piechotka <uzytkownik2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hein Hundal wrote:
> > >
> > >    I figured I should try a larger program
> > in Haskell, so I am
> > > converting one of my Mathematica programs, a simulator
> > for the
> > > card game Dominion, over to Haskell.  Most of
> > that is going well
> > > except for one patch of imperative code.  My
> > Haskell version of
> > > this code is ugly.  I was hoping someone could
> > recommend a better
> > > way to do it.  I will paste a simplified version
> > of the code
> > > below.  If necessary, I can provide all the other
> > code used for
> >
> > 1. Use strong typing. Or any typing
> I simplified the code for the post.  In the real version, I use strong typing.  The Card type is enumerated.  I have been using [Card] instead of calling it a Deck.  I could change that.

Deck is not important - it's rather eye candy ;) [Card] is as clear as

> > 3. Don't use too much variables. 6-8 is probably the
> > maximum you should
> > deal with (human short-term memory holds about 5-10 points
> > of entry.
> > Split functions into smaller functions (even in where).
> I do have to get the information into the functions, so the only way I can avoid having lots of variables is by introducing new structures.  I can do that.

New structures annotates types easily.

data ComplicatedData = ComplicatedData {
    turn :: Int,
    deck :: [Cards],

There is syntax sugar:

doSomething :: ComplicatedData -> [Cards]
doSomething cd = drop (turn cd) (deck cd)
-- takes deck drops as meny cards as turns passed and returns it

doSomethingCrazy :: ComplicatedData -> ComplicatedData
doSomethingCrazy cd = cd {deck = drop (turn cd) (deck cd)}
-- creates new ComplicatedData which have everything as
-- the argument except that desk is missing as many cards
-- as turn currently is

> > 6. While Haskell have long tradition of having short
> > namesit is not
> > always good (see 3). Use them only if you are sure it is
> > clear what they
> > mean:
> In the original version, I had longer variable names where they seemed necessary. 
> The main sources of ugliness are the long lists of variables.  Every time I call doAct or construct a LoopState variable, I am repeating all those variables.  I will try changing the type of doAct to
> doAct :: LoopState -> LoopState
> Cheers,
> Hein

See the record syntax. Or refactor it to use a helper functions.

Depending on purpose and advancement you can play with pointless style. 


PS. Consider using helper functions. Even if they are longer:

func n | 128 `mod` n == 0 = 3
       | otherwise        = 2


func n | n `divides` 128 = 3
       | otherwise       = 2

k `divides` n = n `mod` k == 0

In first example you have to think what I meant. In second it is
self-commention (n `divides` 128 - it is just n divides 128 with strange

doSomething (State (c:cs) t ph ta ...)
    | c == Ace `of` Hearths = State cs (t+1) (c:ph) ta ...
    | otherwise             = State cs (t+1) ph (c:ta) ...

putOnTable :: Card -> State -> State
putOnTable c s = s {table = c:table s}

putIntoPlayerHand :: Card -> State -> State
putIntoPlayerHand c s = s {playerHand = c:playerHand s}

drawCard :: State -> (Card, State)
drawCard s = let (c:cs) = deck s
             in (x, s {deck = s})

nextTurn :: State -> State
nextTurn s = s {turn = turn s + 1}

doSomething s
  | c == Ace `of` Hearths = nextTurn $ putIntoPlayerHand c s'
  | otherwise             = nextTurn $ putOnTable c s'
  where (c, s') = drawCard s


doSomething s = let (c, s') = drawCard s
                    s'' | c == Ace `of` Hearths = putIntoPlayerHand c s'
                        | otherwise             = putOnTable c s'
                in nextTurn s''


PS. For 'advanced' only - and many advanced users dislikes this approach
and would recommend not to use it. Anyway - don't bother with it until
later if you don't understands.

data GameState = GameState {
    deck :: [Card],
    turn :: Int,
    playerHand :: [Card],
    table :: [Card],

putOnTable :: Card -> State GameState ()
putOnTable c = modify (\s -> s {table = c:table s})

putIntoPlayerHand :: Card -> State GameState ()
putIntoPlayerHand c = modify (\s -> s {playerHand = c:playerHand s})

drawCard :: State GameState Card
drawCard = do (c:cs) <- gets deck
              modify (\s -> s {deck = cs})
              return c

nextTurn :: State GameState ()
nextTurn = modify (\s -> s {turn = turn s + 1})

doSomething :: State GameState ()
doSomething = do c <- drawCard
                 if c == Ace `of` Hearths
                   then putIntoPlayerHand c
                   else putOnTable c

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