[Haskell-beginners] parse error on input

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 13 14:10:24 EDT 2009

>>>>> "John" == John Moore <john.moore54 at gmail.com> writes:

    John> Hi, Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong. I'm learning
    John> Haskell using the book real world haskell. It tells me to
    John> load programs and update cabal using '$' symbol but
    John> everytime I enter it tells me parse error on input '$'. The
    John> programs are taken from the book so there nothing wrong with
    John> them.What amI misssing?

It sounds like you are mistaking the unix command line prompt symbol
(that is: $) for something you are supposed to type.

E.g. If it says:

$ cabal install

then it means type:

cabal install

at the command line prompt.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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