[Haskell-beginners] Using FiniteMap in ghci

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Sep 2 09:18:38 EDT 2009

Am Mittwoch 02 September 2009 13:21:43 schrieb KwangYul Seo:
> Hello,
> I tried to load FiniteMap module in ghci and encountered an error message
> like the following:
> Prelude> import FiniteMap
> Could not find module `FiniteMap':
>   it is a member of package ghc-6.8.2, which is hidden
> The error message says that it is hidden. How can I use the FiniteMap?
> Regards,
> Kwang Yul Seo

As Chaddai said, it's obsolete and superceded by Data.Map and Data.IntMap.
But the names and types of some functions have been changed, if you don't want to change 
the tutorial code so that it works with the new modules, you can

ghc-pkg expose ghc-6.8.2

then work with FiniteMap and afterwards

ghc-pkg hide ghc-6.8.2

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