[Haskell-beginners] is there a best os to easily install external libraries ?

david hodgetts david.demainlalune at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 08:46:16 EDT 2009

Hello everyone,
to give some context: I am not a real developer. I am a motion designer who
enjoys doing procedural animations and installations with tools such as
processing, flash, openframeworks. This might explain some of the
difficulties I describe below.

Wanting to broaden my thinking skills and CS knowledge, I have started to
learn Haskell, and I must say I am having a great time.

I am at a point now where I would like to play around with some of the
popular UI and graphical libraries (gtk+, freeGlut, sdl etc). But my
experience up to now has been a bit painfull in the sense that most of these
packages don't install nicely with caball ( on windows XP). I managed to get
gtk, freeglut, and curl to install after long hours googling around and
doing voodoo in msys and cygwin. Last night I tried to install the SDL
bindings to follow a blog post about automata, but completely failed. This
got me to wondering if the haskell experience with regards to installing
external libraries might be any easier on Linux?

in advance many thanks

best regards

david hodgetts
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