[Haskell-beginners] Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 134 - October 10, 2009

Patrick LeBoutillier patrick.leboutillier at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 08:10:23 EDT 2009


Could/should the Haskell Weekly News be posted to the beginners list as

I normally don't follow haskell-cafe (too much traffic and generally above
my level I must admit...), but I like to follow what's going on in the
Haskell community.


On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 3:47 AM, <jfredett at gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Haskell Weekly News
> http://sequence.complete.org/hwn/20091010
> Issue 134 - October 10, 2009
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Welcome to issue 134 of HWN, a newsletter covering developments in the
>   [1]Haskell community.
>   What with Don Stewart's [2]call to [3]arms to lead Haskell to conquest
>   over (E)DSL-land, I've once again tried to highlight discussion of
>   EDSL's this week. Fortunately, it was actually more difficult choosing
>   what _not_ to include this week, since there was so much discussion
>   about DSLs and Syntax extensions (a related notion, in my opinion).
>   Also, this week Bryan O'Sullivan put his Criterion Library to good use
>   on the `text` package, leading to [4]code which is more than ten times
>   faster than before! With all this fantastic news, I won't hold you up
>   any longer, Haskellers, the Haskell Weekly News!
> Announcements
>   CfPart: FMICS 2009, 2-3 November 2009, Final Call. FMICS 2009 workshop
>   chair [5]announced the final call for particpaction for FMICS 2009
>   ICFP videos now available. Wouter Swierstra [6]announced the
>   availablity of videos from the International Conference on Functional
>   Programming (ICFP)
>   GPipe-1.0.0: A functional graphics API for programmable GPUs. Tobias
>   Bexelius [7]announced the first release of GPie, a functional graphics
>   API for programmable GPUs.
>   text 0.5, a major revision of the Unicode text library. Bryan
>   O'Sullivan [8]announced a new, major version of the text package. New
>   API features, and huge improvments in speed, as Bryan says, 'Get it
>   while it's fresh on Hackage, folks!'
>   vty-ui 0.2. Jonathan Daugherty [9]announced a new version of the vty-ui
>   package, with fewer bugs, more widgets, and cleaner code due to new
>   more powerful abstractions.
>   htzaar-0.0.1. Tom Hawkins [10]announced HTZAAR, a Haskell
>   implementation of TZAAR
>   Graphalyze- and SourceGraph- Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
>   [11]announced To keep this editor happy, Ivan released two new packaged
>   in one announcement. This time, he's added Legend support to
>   Graphalyze, but also many new changes to SourceGraph, including a
>   legend so you can see what all the symbols mean, Better color support,
>   and much more.
>   TxtSushi 0.4.0. Keith Sheppard [12]announced a new version of TxtSushi,
>   a set of command line utilities for processing CSV and TSV files.
> Discussion
>   Applicative do? Philippa Cowderoy [13]asked about a `do` like syntax
>   for Applicative functors.
>   How to add use custom preprocessor in cabal. Bernd Brassel [14]asked
>   how to add a custom preprocessor to the build chain of a cabal file.
>   On DSLs - one last time. Gunther Schmidt [15]summarized his impressions
>   on al the recent discussion of DSLs
>   What is a DSL? Oleg [16]offered some insight into different
>   [17]properties that can be part of a single tagless framework. He also
>   pointed to some slides and other materials such as a website [18]here
>   and slides [19]here about DSL implementations and definitions.
>   What is a DSL? Gunther Schmidt [20]posed the question, 'What is a DSL',
>   and with some further questions added by yours truly, a lively
>   discussion about the definition of a DSL ensued.
>   Finally tagless - stuck with implementation of 'lam'. Gunther Schmidt
>   [21]asked another question about Finally Tagless DSLs and resolving an
>   issue with the implementation of 'lam'
> Blog noise
>   [22]Haskell news from the [23]blogosphere. Blog posts from people new
>   to the Haskell community are marked with >>>, be sure to welcome them!
>     * Darcs: [24]darcs weekly news #43.
>     * JP Moresmau: [25]What client for an Haskell Multi Player Game?.
>     * Mikael Vejdemo Johansson (Syzygy-): [26][MATH198] Third lecture is
>       up.
>     * Bryan O'Sullivan: [27]Announcing a major revision of the Haskell
>       text library.
>     * Eric Kow (kowey): [28]darcs hashed-storage work merged (woo!).
>     * David Amos: [29]Symmetries of PG(n,Fq).
>     * The GHC Team: [30]Parallelism /= Concurrency.
>     * >>> Nefigah: [31]Fake World Haskell. Nefigah, a recent addition to
>       the community, has been working through RWH, and is providing some
>       excellent examples. Though, This editor prefers the title 'Real
>       Life Haskell' as opposed to his choice.
>     * Tom Schrijvers: [32]Release 0.6 of Monadic Constraint Programming.
>     * Neil Brown: [33]Concurrency Can Be Deterministic (But The Type
>       System Doesn't Know It).
>     * Clint Moore: [34]Curiously Parallel.
>     * Galois, Inc: [35]Tech Talk: Constructing A Universal Domain for
>       Reasoning About Haskell Datatypes.
>     * Neil Brown: [36]Terminal Concurrency: The Printing Process.
>     * Sean Leather: [37]'Upwards and downwards accumulations on trees'
>       translated into Haskell.
>     * Mikael Vejdemo Johansson (Syzygy-): [38][MATH 198] Second lecture.
>     * Chris Smith: [39]View Patterns as Pattern Matching for Records.
>     * Chris Smith: [40]Playing With Records.
>     * FP Lunch: [41]Left Kan extensions of containers.
> Quotes of the Week
>     * Baughn: Blum Blum Shub, a PRNG derived from poking around R'Lyeh.
>     * ksf: * lambdabot locks up ksf in a Monad <ksf> mmmmh it's warm and
>       fuzzy in here.
>     * monochrom: Don't wrap your head around Haskell. Immerse! Wrap
>       Haskell around your head.
>     * chak: ... In other words, FP is inevitable.
>     * robreim: I'm in your base hacking all your lambdas
>     * gwern: RAM is overrated, swap is where it's at ;)
>     * idnar: [to gwern] swap to a ramdisk! ;P
> About the Haskell Weekly News
>   New editions are posted to [42]the Haskell mailing list as well as to
>   [43]the Haskell Sequence and [44]Planet Haskell. [45]RSS is also
>   available, and headlines appear on [46]haskell.org.
>   To help create new editions of this newsletter, please see the
>   information on [47]how to contribute. Send stories to jfredett . at .
>   gmail . dot . com. The darcs repository is available at darcs get
>   [48]http://patch-tag.com/r/jfredett/HWN2/pullrepo HWN2 .
> References
>   1. http://haskell.org/
>   2.
> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-October/067203.html
>   3.
> http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/9qk54/haskell_should_own_the_edsl_space_a_call_to_arms/
>   4.
> http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2009/10/09/announcing-a-major-revision-of-the-haskell-text-library/
>   5. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17555
>   6. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17552
>   7. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17546
>   8. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64591
>   9. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64529
>  10. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64516
>  11. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64399
>  12. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64301
>  13. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64616
>  14. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64558
>  15. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64552
>  16. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64533
>  17. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/
>  18. http://dsl09.blogspot.com/
>  19. http://dsl09.blogspot.com/2009/07/panel.html
>  20. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64474
>  21. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/64343
>  22. http://planet.haskell.org/
>  23. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Blog_articles
>  24. http://blog.darcs.net/2009/10/darcs-weekly-news-43.html
>  25.
> http://jpmoresmau.blogspot.com/2009/10/what-client-for-haskell-multi-player.html
>  26.
> http://blog.mikael.johanssons.org/archive/2009/10/math198-third-lecture-is-up/
>  27.
> http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2009/10/09/announcing-a-major-revision-of-the-haskell-text-library/
>  28.
> http://koweycode.blogspot.com/2009/10/darcs-hashed-storage-work-merged-woo.html
>  29. http://haskellformaths.blogspot.com/2009/10/symmetries-of-pgnfq.html
>  30.
> http://ghcmutterings.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/parallelism-concurrency/
>  31. http://my.life-is-virtual.com/2009/10/07/fake-world-haskell-part-1/
>  32.
> http://tomschrijvers.blogspot.com/2009/10/release-06-of-monadic-constraint.html
>  33.
> http://chplib.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/concurrency-can-be-deterministic/
>  34. http://www.l2mlogistics.com/2009/10/curiously-parallel.html
>  35. http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/10/06/huffman-universal/
>  36. http://chplib.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/the-printing-process/
>  37.
> http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/splonderzoek/~3/4E8TZPDZ-aM/upwards-and-downwards-accumulations-on.html<http://feedproxy.google.com/%7Er/splonderzoek/%7E3/4E8TZPDZ-aM/upwards-and-downwards-accumulations-on.html>
>  38.
> http://blog.mikael.johanssons.org/archive/2009/10/math-198-second-lecture/
>  39.
> http://cdsmith.wordpress.com/2009/10/04/view-patterns-as-pattern-matching-for-records/
>  40. http://cdsmith.wordpress.com/2009/10/03/playing-with-records/
>  41. http://sneezy.cs.nott.ac.uk/fplunch/weblog/?p=237
>  42. http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
>  43. http://sequence.complete.org/
>  44. http://planet.haskell.org/
>  45. http://sequence.complete.org/node/feed
>  46. http://haskell.org/
>  47. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/HWN
>  48. http://patch-tag.com/r/jfredett/HWN2/pullrepo%20HWN2
> _______________________________________________
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Patrick LeBoutillier
Rosemère, Québec, Canada
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