[Haskell-beginners] Questions on GHCi 6.10.4 + general questions
Stephen Tetley
stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 05:09:43 EST 2009
Hi Lev
This one compiles with fairly minimal changes
The main one is the new_state = ... line near the end has part
commented out where there would otherwise be a type error.
Also the nest where clause at the end was obscuring a variable binding
that you needed, so I've removed the nesting.
Pasted from my editor, hopefully, my mail client doesn't mangle the code:
module DdrController where
- DDR controller implements top function drive of original
- list of commands . Assuming data is random .
- The first version will drive commands from original command list
- and adding to each command delta time , corresponding to minimum time
- possible to execute
-- Each command has it's set of attributes
type Time = Int
data DdrCmd =
READ { bank :: Int, col :: Int } |
READ_PCH { bank :: Int, col :: Int} |
WRITE { bank :: Int, col :: Int} |
WRITE_PCH { bank :: Int, col :: Int} |
PCH_CMD {bank :: Int} |
ACTIVATE {bank :: Int,row :: Int} |
type DdrCommand = (Time,DdrCmd) -- Type of command containing offset
-- Using tree to search for bank info
data BankStateSingle = Single { bank_id :: Int , last_ras :: Time ,
last_cas :: Time , last_pch :: Time };
type BankEntry = (Int,BankStateSingle);
type BankState = [BankEntry];
-- Check point events
data TimingCheckPoint = RAS | CAS | PCH | NONE deriving Show
type TimingCondition = (Int,TimingCheckPoint,TimingCheckPoint)
-- All possible timing constraints
data (Num a,Show a) => TimingParams a = TRP a | TRCD a | TRAS a
-- Function to initialize timing params
-- Randomly generates
-- Create list of entries
init_bank_set :: [BankStateSingle] -> BankState
init_bank_set ba_list = zip [0..((length ba_list)-1)] ba_list
timing_configuration :: [(Int,TimingCheckPoint,TimingCheckPoint)]
timing_configuration = [ {-tRCD-}(4,RAS,CAS) , {-tRC-}
(10,RAS,RAS),{-tRP-} (2,PCH,RAS)]
-- Translation of timing check point
cmd2timing_checkpoint :: DdrCmd -> TimingCheckPoint
cmd2timing_checkpoint cmd = case cmd of
READ _ _ -> CAS
WRITE _ _ -> CAS
-- Return method from bank Id to bank selector func
bank_timing_update :: Time -> TimingCheckPoint -> BankStateSingle ->
bank_timing_update time chk_point bank_state = new_bank_state
new_bank_state =
case chk_point of
RAS -> bank_state { last_ras = time }
CAS -> bank_state { last_cas = time }
PCH -> bank_state { last_pch = time }
-- Change entry in list with other one if condition is met
--upd_list :: (a -> Bool)->a->[a]->[a]
--upd_list = ()
-- Calculate cmd delay and update bank state
-- For each cmd define whether this is RAS,CAS or PCH command
-- For each cmd , find bank it refers to
-- For bank calculate new timing offset based on last occurrence
beginning of arc
-- and longest arc to satisfy
updateCmdDelay :: DdrCommand -> BankState -> [TimingCondition] ->
-- There are separate cases for commands
-- PCH_ALL works on all banks and thus could not be issued before precharge
-- timing ark is met for all cases
updateCmdDelay (time,PCH_ALL) state timing = undefined
updateCmdDelay (time,BST) state timing = ((time,BST),state)
updateCmdDelay (time,(WRITE wr_bank wr_col)) state timing =
-- Get all timing arcs to 'cmd2timing_checkpoint
-- Find maximum by folding of delays and
((new_time,(WRITE wr_bank wr_col)),new_state)
where {
--new_state = num2bank wr_bank;
new_time = if (earliest_time > time ) then earliest_time else time;
new_state = (take ( wr_bank ) state) ++ {-
[(wr_bank,curr_bank_state)] ++ -} (drop (wr_bank + 2) state);
earliest_time = last_event_occur + (foldl max 0 delays);
delays = [ time | (time,_,endpoint) <- timing ];
last_event_occur = case endpoint of
{ RAS -> last_ras $ snd curr_bank_state ;
CAS -> last_cas $ snd curr_bank_state ;
PCH -> last_pch $ snd curr_bank_state } ;
-- Blabla
endpoint = cmd2timing_checkpoint (WRITE wr_bank wr_col);
curr_bank_state = head $ filter (\y -> fst y == wr_bank) state
-- Update one of mields : last_ras,last_cas,last_pch
-- For each bank
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