[Haskell-beginners] Class definition syntax

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sun Nov 1 00:44:07 EDT 2009

First, the IArray class from Data.Array.IArray is not the real thing.
Looking at the class in Data.Array.Base, we see

{- | Class of immutable array types.

An array type has the form @(a i e)@ where @a@ is the array type
constructor (kind @* -> * -> *@), @i@ is the index type (a member of
the class 'Ix'), and @e@ is the element type.  The @IArray@ class is
parameterised over both @a@ and @e@, so that instances specialised to
certain element types can be defined.
class IArray a e where
    -- | Extracts the bounds of an immutable array
    bounds           :: Ix i => a i e -> (i,i)
    numElements      :: Ix i => a i e -> Int
    unsafeArray      :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [(Int, e)] -> a i e
    unsafeAt         :: Ix i => a i e -> Int -> e
    unsafeReplace    :: Ix i => a i e -> [(Int, e)] -> a i e
    unsafeAccum      :: Ix i => (e -> e' -> e) -> a i e -> [(Int, e')] -> a i e
    unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (e -> e' -> e) -> e -> (i,i) -> [(Int, e')] -> a i e

    unsafeReplace arr ies = runST (unsafeReplaceST arr ies >>= unsafeFreeze)
    unsafeAccum f arr ies = runST (unsafeAccumST f arr ies >>= unsafeFreeze)
    unsafeAccumArray f e lu ies = runST (unsafeAccumArrayST f e lu ies >>= unsafeFreeze)

That's more like it, isn't it?
Doesn't solve your kind problems, though.

Am Sonntag 01 November 2009 04:42:24 schrieb Shawn Willden:
> On Saturday 31 October 2009 08:55:56 pm Joe Fredette wrote:
> > Well, I think the issue is you're thinking too OOPy...
> I understand what you're saying, but I don't think I am.
> > But let me answer the actual problem first, type classes are
> > (basically) functions on types. So a type of "kind" `* -> * -> *`
> > means it is a type which accepts two type variables. So:
> >
> > 	newtype Foo a b = Foo (a, b)
> Okay, that makes sense.  What I'd read about kinds was considerably less
> clear.  Thanks.
> > 	newtype Board = Board IArray ...
> >
> > means that _you can just use the IArray types_! Well, almost, really
> > what you want is a type-synonym:
> >
> > 	type Board = IArray Location ...
> >
> > Now you can write functions like
> >
> > 	foo :: Board -> Int
> > 	foo = Board !! (1,2)
> >
> > and it will "just work" because Board _is_ an "IArray".
> >
> > Hope that makes sense...
> It does make sense, but it doesn't solve my problem.  See, Board isn't the
> only type I have (and, also, Board has to be a newtype rather than a type
> synonym because it's also an instance of another class -- well, unless I
> want to turn on the extension that allows instances of synonyms, and I'm
> not sure what the etiquette is there),

That's not much of a problem. It may not be portable (maybe it is, maybe not, I don't 
know), but it's nothing unsafe.
Or you could use FlexibleInstances and
instance OtherClass (Array Location Int) where...

> and some of the others aren't just
> IArrays with an aliased name, they have other data elements as well.  For
> example:
> data ScoredBoard = ScoredBoard {
>     arry     :: (IArray Location String)
>     score    :: Int
>     maxScore :: Int
> }

Would something like

import Data.Array.Base

data ScoreBoard i e = ScoreBoard
    { arry :: Array i e
    , score :: Int
    , maxScore :: Int

instance  IArray ScoreBoard e where
    bounds sb = bounds (arry sb)
    numElements sb = numElements (arry sb)
    unsafeArray bds ass = ScoreBoard (unsafeArray bds ass) 0 0
    unsafeAt sb i = unsafeAt (arry sb) i

be an option (analogous for Board)?

> I would like to be able to use (!), (//), bound, range, etc., on those as
> well, and without having to say "range (arry sb)", or having to define a
> bunch of fooRange, barRange, bazRange, etc., functions.

If you don't want to change the kind of Board etc, another option would be a 
multiparameter type class with functional dependencies or type families:

With fundeps:

class KindOfArrayLike a i e | a -> i, a -> e where
    (!) :: a -> i -> e
    (//) :: a -> [(i,e)] -> a

instance KindOfArrayLike Board Location Int where
    (Board a) ! i = a Data.Array.IArray.! i
    (Board a) // upd = Board (a Data.Array.IArray.// upd)

instance KindOfArrayLike ScoreBoard Location String where
    sb ! i = arry sb Data.Array.IArray.! i
    sb // upd = sb{ arry = arry sb Data.Array.IArray.// upd }

With type families:

class ArrayLike a where
    type Idx a :: *
    type Elt a :: *
    (!) :: a -> Idx a -> Elt a
    (//) :: a -> [(Idx a, Elt a)] -> a

instance ArrayLike Board where
    type Idx Board = Location
    type Elt Board = Int
    (implementation as before)

> Basically I want to take this set of common array operations and overload
> them for a bunch of different types.  As I understand it, classes are
> effectively the only way to overload in Haskell.
> Perhaps it just isn't possible to do what I want?  If kind signatures must
> match, then that's a problem, because different types will have different
> numbers of construction parameters.
> Thanks for the help,
> 	Shawn.

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