[Haskell-beginners] Real World Haskell Chapter 5

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Thu May 7 16:10:53 EDT 2009

Am Donnerstag 07 Mai 2009 21:18:46 schrieb PJ Fitzpatrick:
> Hi,
> I have compiled the SimpleJSON.hs file from chapter 5 and from another file
> attempted to import it. I am getting a could not find module error and the
> prelude tells me that the locations searched were SimpleJSON.hs and
> SimpleJSON.lhs.
> I am running Vista, GHC 6.10.2
> Any ideas?
> tks,
> PJ

If the other file is not in the same directory, you have to tell GHC where to look for it,

ghc -ipath/to/SimpleJSONDir:path/to/OtherImport --make UseSimpleJSON

or build a package with SimpleJSON in it (using Cabal) and register that, then ghc --make 
will know where to find it.

If the file is in the same directory, it may be an encoding error (or some case-muck-up), 
but definitely something bad.

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