[Haskell-beginners] Re: Need help to edit the Haskell script in
Winhugs and documentation.
Benjamin L.Russell
DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Mon Mar 30 04:52:34 EDT 2009
Could you please describe your question more specifically?
-- Benjamin L. Russell
On Sat, 28 Mar 2009 16:48:47 +0000, RAJESH DALSANIYA
<r4rose4raj4u at gmail.com> wrote:
>* *
>*Both sections relate to the case study: Index for a document of
>* *
>* *
>*Given the attached Haskell code which produces an index of words, make the
>following alterations by modifying existing functions and including new
>functions where necessary ? parts 1) to 5):*
>* *
>*1) **Where a word occurs N times on the same line, ensure
>that the line number occurs n times in the index entry for that word.
>* *
>*2) **Allow words to be hyphenated and treat a hyphenated
>word as a single word. However, for those words which are split over two
>lines, treat a split word as a single word without the hyphen. *
>* *
>*3) **Treat a capitalised word (one or more capitals) as
>being different from the word in all lower case (but they should still be
>sorted alphabetically) ? unless it is at the start of a sentence with only
>the initial letter capitalised. A sentence is terminated by a ‘.’, ‘?’ or
>‘!’. *
>* *
>*4) **Make the output more readable in the form of an index
>table in columns with appropriate spacing and without brackets. *
>* *
>*5) **Include a user-friendly menu, so that the user can
>choose input/output file names or default files, and choose to rerun or
>exit. *
>* *
>*Parts 1) to 5) may be developed in any order. *
>* *
>* *
>* *
>*6) **For your version of function, makeIndex (only), show
>how an alternative ordering of the composed functions would provide a more
>efficient execution of makeIndex. Justify your answer. *
>* *
>*7) **For the parts 1) to 5) above that you have attempted,
>discuss the use you have made of a) higher-order functions, b) list
>comprehension, c) monadic input/output, d) functional composition, and/or e)
>partial parameterisation (or Curried functions). Include an evaluation of
>how useful your use of these concepts has been.
>* *
>*import Prelude*
>* *
>*type Doc = String*
>*type Line = String*
>*type Word = String *
>* *
>*makeIndex :: Doc -> [ ([Int], Word) ]*
>* *
>* = shorten . -- [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]*
>* amalgamate .-- [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]*
>* makeLists . -- [(Int, Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]*
>* sortLs . -- [(Int, Word)] -> [(Int, Word)]*
>* allNumWords .-- [(Int, Line)] -> [(Int, Word)]*
>* numLines . -- [Line] -> [(Int, Line)]*
>* splitUp -- Doc -> [Line]*
>* *
>*splitUp :: Doc -> [Line]*
>* *
>*splitUp [] = []*
>*splitUp text*
>* = takeWhile (/='\n') text : -- first line*
>* (splitUp . -- splitup other lines*
>* dropWhile (==’\n’) . -- delete 1st newline(s)*
>* dropWhile (/='\n')) text -- other lines*
>* *
>*numLines :: [Line] -> [(Int, Line)]*
>* *
>*numLines lines -- list of pairs of *
>* = zip [1 .. length lines] lines -- line no. & line*
>* *
>*-- for each line*
>*-- a) split into words*
>*-- b) attach line no. to each word*
>* *
>*splitWords :: Line -> [Word] -- a)*
>* *
>*splitWords [] = []*
>*splitWords line *
>* = takeWhile isLetter line : -- first word in line*
>* (splitWords . -- split other words*
>* dropWhile (not.isLetter) . -- delete separators*
>* dropWhile isLetter) line -- other words*
>* where*
>* isLetter ch*
>* = (‘a’<=ch) && (ch<=’z’)*
>* || (‘A’<=ch) && (ch<=’Z’)*
>* *
>*numWords :: (Int, Line) -> [(Int, Word)] -- b)*
>* *
>*numWords (number, line)*
>* = map addLineNum ( splitWords line) -- all line pairs*
>* where*
>* addLineNum word = (number, word) -- a pair*
>* *
>*allNumWords :: [(Int, Line)] -> [(Int, Word)]*
>* *
>*allNumWords = concat . map numWords -- doc pairs *
>* *
>*sortLs :: [(Int, Word)] -> [(Int, Word)]*
>* *
>*sortLs [ ] = [ ]*
>*sortLs (a:x)*
>* = sortLs [b | b <- x, compare b a] -- sort 1st half*
>* ++ [a] ++ -- 1st in middle*
>* sortLs [b | b <- x, compare a b] -- sort 2nd half*
>* where*
>* compare (n1, w1) (n2, w2)*
>* = (w1 < w2) -- 1st word less*
>* || (w1 == w2 && n1 < n2) -- check no. *
>* *
>*makeLists :: [(Int, Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]*
>* *
>*makeLists *
>* = map mk -- all pairs*
>* where mk (num, word) = ([num], word)*
>* -- list of single no.*
>* *
>*amalgamate :: [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]*
>* *
>*amalgamate [ ] = [ ]*
>*amalgamate [a] = [a]*
>*amalgamate ((n1, w1) : (n2, w2) : rest)-- pairs of pairs*
>* | w1 /= w2 = (n1, w1) : amalgamate ((n2, w2) : rest)*
>* | otherwise = amalgamate ((n1 ++ n2, w1) : rest)*
>* -- if words are same grow list of numbers*
>* *
>*shorten :: [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]*
>* *
>* = filter long -- keep pairs >4*
>* where*
>* long (num, word) = length word > 4 -- check word >4*
>* *
Benjamin L. Russell / DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile: +011 81 80-3603-6725
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