[Haskell-beginners] Re: folds again -- myCycle
bbxx789_05ss at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 19 15:32:19 EDT 2009
Will Ness <will_n48 <at> yahoo.com> writes:
> In our case, having
> The access in (head ys) gets traslated in
> head ys = head (ys ++ [1,2,3]) = head ((ys ++ [1,2,3]) ++ [1,2,3])
> but for the other defintion
> let zs = [1, 2, 3] ++ zs
> it's
> head zs = head([1, 2, 3] ++ zs) = head( (1:[2,3]) ++ zs)
> = head( 1:([2,3]++zs) ) = 1
> according to the defintion of (++),
> (x:xs)++ys = x:(xs++ys)
> Were we to use the foldr definition, it'll get rewritten just the same, using
> the foldr definition (as long as it's not the left-recursive defintion):
> foldr f z (a:as) = a `f` foldr f z as
> let ws = foldr (:) [1,2,3] ws
> head ws = head (foldr (:) [1,2,3] ws)
> = head (foldr (:) [1,2,3] (foldr (:) [1,2,3] ws))
> because 'ws' is getting matched against (a:as) pattern in foldr definition, so
> is immediately needed, causing INFINITE looping. BUT
I'm confused by your statement that ws is getting matched against the
(a:as) pattern in the foldr definition, and therefore it is immediately
evaluated. I didn't think the let expression:
> let ws = foldr (:) [1,2,3] ws
would cause infinite looping.
Wouldn't it be the head pattern that is being matched, and therefore head
triggers the evaluation? Although, I'm not seeing a pattern match here:
>head (x:xs) = x
>head (foldr (:) [1,2,3] (foldr (:) [1,2,3] ws))
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