[Haskell-beginners] installing cabal with 6.10 - ubuntu
bburdette at comcast.net
Sat Mar 7 19:06:05 EST 2009
So I was wanting to try out some code that relies on 6.10, I'm using
ubuntu 8.04. Also, I'd like to have cabal installed so I can get and
install packages easily.
I found some directions online that said that compiling from source
might be a good way to go. I downloaded and compiled ghc 6.10.1,
installing it locally. The directions I used:
----------- directions ------------
I use 6.8.3 and 6.10.1 on ubuntu without problems. I always build ghc
from source. It takes a bit of cpu time, but not much effort on my part.
Assuming I've got an older version of GHC in my path, here's all I do:
tar -xjf ~/Downloads/ghc-6.10.1-src.tar.bz2
tar -xjf ~/Downloads/ghc-6.10.1-src-extralibs.tar.bz2
cd ghc-6.10.1/
echo "HADDOCK_DOCS = YES" >mk/build.mk
./configure --prefix /usr/local/ghc-6.10.1
make -j
sudo make install
------- end of directions --------
Ok so I did this. It works! Then, wanting to keep things simple, I
removed ghc 6.8.3 so I'd only have one compiler and libraries around -
lessening the chance of wierd conflicts. Done.
Now to install cabal-install. Directions I got:
- unpack cabal-install-0.6.2.tar.gz somewhere
- cd into the resulting directory and run "sh bootstrap.sh"
- add "~/.cabal/bin" to you path.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me. bootstrap.sh requires parsec
and network. parsec, in turn, requires mtl.
- installed mtl
- installed parsec
Ok. Now when I go to build network I get this:
Could not find module `Data.Generics':
it is a member of package base-, which is hidden
According to google, the above message actually indicates that 'syb' is
needed, the bug is here:
- installed syb-
- still get the same message.
At this point I'm stuck!
I should say that I'm using this to install all these things:
runhaskell Setup configure --user
runhaskell Setup build
runhaskell Setup install
So everything is installed 'locally' and not globally.
Thanks for any help with this - I feel like this is harder than it is
supposed to be, what am I missing??
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