[Haskell-beginners] Re: [xmonad] xmonad vs. full screen

Thomas Friedrich info at suud.de
Wed Jun 24 18:38:30 EDT 2009

Rickard Nilsson wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Friedrich <info at suud.de>:
>> 2)  I would propose going back to the old behavior of handling
>> full-screen-programs in xmonad.  It really should be the *user* who
>> decides how "full-screen" a full-screen-program shall be.  Isn't this
>> also more following the philosophy of xmonad?  You as a user decide,
>> what is happening on your screen?  It might be not as intuitive, when
>> switching to xmonad and you are used to other WMs, where full-screen
>> means *full screen*.  I really miss that functionality, now that its
>> gone.  What do you think?
> I think the old behaviour made much more sense. As it is now, it's not 
> possible to play a web flash movie in a separate, arbitrarily sized, 
> window. You either have to watch it fullscreen-floating, or integrated 
> in the web-page.
> @Thomas - Did you ever manage to revert Xmonad to the old behaviour?

No unfortunately I didn't.  I changed my manageHook to

myManageHookDef = scratchpadManageHook (W.RationalRect 0.25 0.375 0.5 
0.35) <+> composeAll
    [ ...
    , isFullscreen                   --> doFullFloat
    , isDialog                       --> doCenterFloat

This way, when I want to watch a Flash-Movie in full screen, the video 
window actually covers the full screen.  However, the downside of it is 
that also xpdf and others start flouting when going to full screen.  
Which is stupid, as I always have to push them back into the tiling, 
when I want to have a "full screen" xpdf next to, say, emacs.  Also you 
will have a little border around the flouting window, which doesn't look 
good in full screen.  But I don't want to remove the borders from 
flouting windows, as I like to have a border, when a flouting window is 
not covering the whole screen.

So as you see, the solution is far from optimal.


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