[Haskell-beginners] Re: Understanding cached fibonnacci function

Patrick LeBoutillier patl at cpan.org
Fri Jan 30 11:41:29 EST 2009

>> fibs = fix ((0:) . scanl (+) 1)
> I don't like that one.  My favorite is the following, because it's
> short, concise and still very comprehensible:
>  import Data.Function
>  fibs :: Num i => [i]
>  fibs = fix (\r x y -> x : r y (x+y)) 0 1

Can someone please explain this one? I can't seem to figure out what
'fix' does (the definition in the documentation is a bit to
mathematically inclined for me...).


Patrick LeBoutillier
Rosemère, Québec, Canada

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