[Haskell-beginners] Re: How to create a monad instance
Marco De Oliveira
deolivem at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 05:18:51 EST 2009
2009/12/12 Maciej Piechotka <uzytkownik2 at gmail.com>:
> On Sat, 2009-12-12 at 01:17 +0100, Marco De Oliveira wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to create an instance of Monad for IOException?
>> Each time a try I stay blocked by IO monad.
>> with the definition:
>> data IOException a = IOExceptionCons (IO (Exception a))
>> data Exception a = SuccessCons (Maybe Warning) a
>> | ErrorCons Error
>> data Warning = WarningCons1
>> | WarningCons2
>> data Error = ErrorCons1
>> | ErrorCons2
>> Regards
> Yes - to begin with:
> newtype IOException a = IOException {runIOException :: IO (Exception a)}
> data Exception a = Success (Maybe Warning) a
> | Exception Error
> data Warning = Warning1
> | Warning2
> data Error = Error1
> | Error2
> instance Monad Exception where
> return = Success Nothing
> (Success w v) >>= f = f v
> -- (Success w v) >>= f = case f v of
> -- Success _ v' -> Success w v'
> -- Exception e -> Exception e
> (Exception e) >>= _ = Exception e
> instance Monad IOException where
> return = IOException . return . return
> m >>= f = IOException $ runIOException m >>= runIOException . f
> However:
> 1. What should be the combination of warnings I'd rather threat them as
> some 'proper' monoid (for ex. List instead of Maybe)
> 2. It is much easier to use mtl:
> type IOException = ErrorT (Either Error) (WriterT [Warning] IO)
> Regards
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Thanks for your help.
I have try your code ghci and I think there is a mistake in the
definition of (>>=) operator.
test1 m f = IOException $ runIOException m >>= runIOException . f
:t test1
test1 :: IOException a
-> (Exception a -> IOException a)
-> IOException a
I think the defintion is:
test :: IOException a -> ( a -> IOException a) -> IOException a
1. why I am not using monoid? I try to bind C code and the function
return only one warning. But if I change i little the structure of
IOException, it may have sense to use a List.
newtype IOException a = IOException {runIOException :: ([Warning] ->
IO (Exception a))}
2. Sorry but I have a lot of difficulties to understand the concept of
Monad Transformers
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