[Haskell-beginners] Printing the bits of an Int|Double

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 09:05:07 EST 2009

Hello M Xyz

Here's a module[1] that seems to work for single precision floats -
you might want to do some checking of random numbers with toAndFro
(there's plenty of room for errors).

The print functions is printBin uses showIntAtBase which doesn't pad
with leading zeros, you might want to add them.

Best wishes


[1] I wrote it a while ago but checking this morning it had some
nefarious bugs in.

module PrintIeeeFloat where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Numeric

const_B :: Int
const_B = 127

printBin :: (Fractional a,Ord a) => a -> ShowS
printBin a =
    f s . showChar ' ' . f t . showChar ' ' . f u . showChar ' ' . f v
    f = showIntAtBase 2 (chr . (48+))
    (s,t,u,v) = packIEEESingle a

toAndFro :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> a
toAndFro a = let (s,t,u,v) = packIEEESingle a in unpackIEEESingle s t u v

unpackIEEESingle :: Fractional a => Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> a
unpackIEEESingle b24_31 b16_23 b8_15 b0_7 =  sign $ fract * (2 ^^ expo)
    sign  = if b24_31 `testBit` 7 then negate else id

    expo  = exponent' b24_31 b16_23

    fract = fraction b16_23 b8_15 b0_7

exponent' :: Word8  -> Word8 -> Int
exponent' a b = (a' `shiftL` 1) + (b' `shiftR` 7) - 127
    a' = fromIntegral $ (a .&. 0x7f)
    b' = fromIntegral $ (b .&. 0x80)

fraction :: Fractional a => Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> a
fraction b16_24 b8_15 b0_7 = 1.0 + ((fromIntegral frac) / (2 ^^ 23))
   frac :: Int
   frac = (shiftL16 (b16_24 .&. 0x7f)) + (shiftL8 b8_15) + fromIntegral b0_7

packIEEESingle :: (Fractional a,Ord a) => a -> (Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8)
packIEEESingle a = (flipSign b24_31, exp_part+mant_part, b8_15, b0_7)
    k     = findPosExpo $ abs a
    e     = k + const_B
    halfa = (abs a) / (2 ^^ fromIntegral k)
    f     = expand $ halfa - 1

    (b24_31, exp_part)          = expoWords e
    (mant_part,b8_15, b0_7)     = mantWords f

    flipSign = if a > 0 then id else (`setBit` 7)

findPosExpo :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> Int
findPosExpo r | r <= 0    = 0
              | otherwise = step r 1
    step r' k | r <= fromIntegral 2 ^^ k = k-1
              | otherwise                = step r' (k+1)

expand :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> Word32
expand n = (`shiftR` 9) $ step n 0 id
    step x ix f | x <= 0    = f (0::Word32)
                | otherwise = let y = 1 / (2 ^^ (ix+1))
                              in if x >= y
                                 then step (x-y) (ix+1) (f . (`setBit` (31-ix)))
                                 else step x (ix+1) f

-- 7 bits left, 1 bit right
expoWords :: Int -> (Word8,Word8)
expoWords n = (left, right)
    right = if n `testBit` 0 then 128 else 0
    left  = fromIntegral $ n `shiftR` 1

mantWords :: Word32 -> (Word8,Word8,Word8)
mantWords x = (a,b,c)
    c = fromIntegral $ x .&. 0xff
    b = fromIntegral $ (`shiftR` 8)  $ x .&. 0xff00
    a = fromIntegral $ (`shiftR` 16) $ x .&. 0xff0000

shiftL8 :: (Bits b, Integral b) => Word8 -> b
shiftL8 = (`shiftL` 8) . fromIntegral

shiftL16 :: (Bits b, Integral b) => Word8 -> b
shiftL16 = (`shiftL` 16) . fromIntegral

shiftL24 :: (Bits b, Integral b) => Word8 -> b
shiftL24 = (`shiftL` 24) . fromIntegral

w32be :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word32
w32be a b c d = (shiftL24 a) + (shiftL16 b) + (shiftL8 c) + fromIntegral d

2009/12/11 M Xyz <functionallyharmonious at yahoo.com>
> I've been trying to play around with binary data, but I haven't made much progress
> trying to print the bits of a Double. With help from #haskell I've made it this far:
> -- Printing the bits of an Int
> main = do putStrLn $ showIntAtBase 2 (chr . (48+)) z ""
> -- 103 = 1100111, after bit shifting 11001
> z = shiftR (103 :: Int64) 2
> This is as far as I got with Doubles:
> import Data.Binary.IEEE754
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
> main = do BS.putStrLn $ runPut $ putFloat64be 4.123
> Instead of playing with ByteStrings, is there just a way to fill an Int64 with the bits of a Double (Similar to Java's long = Double.doubleToLongBits(double))?
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