[Haskell-beginners] Type Class Woes ..
Javier M Mora
jamarier at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 05:11:23 EDT 2009
Tom Poliquin escribió:
> ----------
> Type Class Version (fails)
> ----------
> module Main where
> data Fruit a = F {radius::Double, len::Double, fType::a}
> data FruitType = Orange | Apple | Banana | Watermelon
> class Volume a where
> volume :: (FruitType a) => Fruit a -> Double
> -- default spherical fruit ..
> volume F{radius=r,len=l} = (4.0/3.0) * pi * r * r * r
> instance Volume Banana where
> volume F{radius=r,len=l} = pi * (r * r) * l
The problem here is you only can instance datatypes. The datatype here
is FruitType. Banana is a DataConstructor.
How to fix it?
(I'm newbie too, so you have to think more with my answer)
A posibility is create a data type for each frute:
class FruitType a where
volume :: Fruit a -> Double
-- default spherical
volume F{radius=r,len=l} = (4.0/3.0) * pi * r * r * r
data Orange = Orange
data Apple = Apple
data Banana = Banana
data Watermelon = Watermelon
instance FruitType Orange where
instance FruitType Apple where
instance FruitType Banana where
volume F{radius=r,len=l} = pi * (r * r) * l
instance FruitType Watermelon where
volume F{radius=r,len=l} = (4.0/3.0) * pi * (2.0 * r) * l * (0.5 * l)
But, you can't later define a list with mixed types because the first
one is "::Fruit Orange" and the second is "::Fruit Apple"
----- WRONG vvv
initFruit :: FruitType a => [Fruit a]
initFruit = [
(F 3.0 0.0 Orange),
(F 3.0 0.0 Apple),
(F 3.0 2.0 Banana),
(F 40.0 20.0 Watermelon)
----- WRONG ^^^
The second posibilitie is use patterns. So, I'm sorry this example is
very similar to your first attempt:
module Main where
data Fruit a = F {radius::Double, len::Double, fType::a}
data FruitType = Orange | Apple | Banana | Watermelon
deriving Show
class Volume a where
volume:: a -> Double
instance Volume (Fruit FruitType) where
volume F{radius=r,len=l,fType=Banana} = pi * (r * r) * l
volume F{radius=r,len=l,fType=Watermelon} = (4.0/3.0) * pi * (2.0 *
r) * l * (0.5 * l)
volume F{radius=r,len=l} = (4.0/3.0) * pi * r * r * r
initFruit :: [Fruit FruitType]
initFruit = [
(F 3.0 0.0 Orange),
(F 3.0 0.0 Apple),
(F 3.0 2.0 Banana),
(F 40.0 20.0 Watermelon)
-- Main --
main = do
fruit <- return $ initFruit
mapM (\f@(F{fType=t}) -> putStrLn ("Volume -> " ++ show t ++
" = " ++ show (volume f))) fruit
But, you need define "FlexibleInstances" add on because:
"instance Volume (Fruit FruitType)"
is not standard Haskell
THIRD IDEA. Make a wrapper volume function:
module Main where
data Fruit a = F {radius::Double, len::Double, fType::a}
data FruitType = Orange | Apple | Banana | Watermelon
deriving Show
class Volume a where
volume:: a -> Double -> Double -> Double
instance Volume FruitType where
volume Banana r l = pi * (r * r) * l
volume Watermelon r l = (4.0/3.0) * pi * (2.0 * r) * l * (0.5 * l)
volume _ r l = (4.0/3.0) * pi * r * r * r
volumeFruit F{radius=r,len=l,fType=f} = volume f r l
initFruit :: [Fruit FruitType]
initFruit = [
(F 3.0 0.0 Orange),
(F 3.0 0.0 Apple),
(F 3.0 2.0 Banana),
(F 40.0 20.0 Watermelon)
-- Main --
main = do
let fruit = initFruit
mapM (\f@(F{fType=t}) -> putStrLn ("Volume -> " ++ show t ++
" = " ++ show (volumeFruit f))) fruit
So. This problem is more interesting that I thought.
Javier M Mora.
PD. initFruit is a Pure Function. I prefer the "let" construction.
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