[Haskell-beginners] Re: CORRECTED: making translation from imperative code]

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Tue Apr 7 19:29:22 EDT 2009

Michael Mossey wrote:
> Okay, I read all of your email, and there is one problem. My layout
> problem is more complex than I communicated at first. Let me give a more
> detailed example:
> staff 1:  xxxx|xxxx  x|x
> staff 2:     x|xx xxxx|xx
> staff 3:                  x|x
>               a       b    c
> There are two additional concerns to what you coded up. Notice that
> parts of events on different staves are allowed to overlap. To determine
> the spacing from a to b, one has to know the widths of items on each
> staff to see that they they can be placed with some overlap but won't
> collide. They can't be treated strictly as a compound item and "going
> blind" to the parts that make them up.
> Secondly, look at the item on staff 3 at c. It has no prior item to
> avoid colliding with, and no items on other staves to line up with, but
> there is still a constraint on its position: c > b (by some amount that
> can be experimented with).

No problem. :)

Reading your code, I'd generally recommend a higher-level approach
focusing on *abstraction*. Primitive recursion can do the job, but it's
error-prone and tedious and best avoided.

> -- Item is a pair giving left width and right width.
> type Item = (Int, Int)
> -- Chunk represents items that must align.
> -- There may not be one on every staff,
> -- hence the use of Maybe
> type Chunk = [ Maybe Item ]

Abstraction starts with using type synonyms like

   type Pos   = Int
   type Width = Pos

that indicate what the parameter denotes, not how it's represented by
the computer. [Int]  is less descriptive than  [Pos]  (a list of
absolute coordinates), because it could also mean  [Width]  (a list of
relative coordinates). For instance, it's possible to add two widths,
but adding two positions should be a type error, you may only advance a
position by a width.

Also, I think that  Chunk  is too generic a name, but I don't have a
good replacement for now. But see below.

Abstraction is also key to solving the new problem description with the
same algorithm as the old one. In particular, our goal is to implement
the function  align  just like the old one.

The core abstraction is that of an *extent*. It's simply a list of widths

   type Extent = [Width]

representing a vertical group of bars.

   xxxx|      |xxxx
     xx|  or  |xx        =  [4,2,3]
    xxx|      |xxx

We don't specify whether they are ragged to the right or left. The
define the  width  of an extent to be the maximum width of its bars

   width :: Extent -> Width
   width = maximum

A  Chunk  is of course just a pair of extents, one to the left and one
to the right

   extents :: Chunk -> (Extent,Extent)
   extents = unzip . map (maybe (0,0) id)

Now,  align  is structured just like before, calculating the gaps
between different items

   align :: [(Extent, Extent)] -> [Pos]
   align xs = scanl (+) (width l) gaps
      (l:ls, rs) = unzip xs
      gaps       = zipWith fit rs ls

However, extents are now fitted together with

   fit :: Extent -> Extent -> Width
   fit xs ys = (+1) . maximum . zipWith (+) xs ys

The previous code can be interpreted as fitting extents together with

   fit xs ys = maximum xs + maximum ys

Different definitions of  fit  yield different layouts algorithms.

I'm not happy with the definition of  align  yet, because the specifics
of laying out extents are present in two places, namely  width  and  fit
 instead of just one, namely  fit . This can be remedied by noting that
the purpose of  width  is to fit the first extent to the *left
boundary*. In other words,

   width = fit (repeat 0)

(assuming that  fit  is able to crop and infinite list of widths to the
proper size). Thus, we have

   align xs = scanl1 (+) gaps
      (ls,rs)  = unzip xs
      boundary = repeat 0
      gaps     = zipWith fit (boundary:rs) ls

In the end, both  align  and your  layout3  functions do exactly the
same calculations, of course, but by virtue of abstraction, the
correctness and structure of the former is self-evident.

> layout3 :: [ Chunk ] -> [ Int ]
> layout3  cs        = layout3' cs (replicate (length cs) 0) 0
> layout3' :: [ Chunk ] -> [ Int ] -> Int -> [ Int ]
> layout3' [] _ _         = []
> layout3' (c:cs) rs minP = p : layout3' cs rs' (p + 1) where
>    p = maximum $ minP : (map place (zip c rs))
>    rs' = map (advance p) c
>    place (item, r) = case item of
>            Just ( left, right ) -> r + left + 1
>            _                    -> 0
>    advance p item  = case item of
>            Just ( left, right ) -> p + right + 1
>            _                    -> p

Two remarks on the code for pretty printing:

> drawLayout :: [ Chunk ] -> [ Int ] -> String
> drawLayout cs pos = unlines $ makeLines cs pos where
>    makeLines :: [ Chunk ] -> [ Int ] -> [ String ]
>    makeLines cs@(cs1:_) pos
>      | null cs1   = []
>      | otherwise  = makeLine (map head cs) pos :
>                     makeLines (map tail cs) pos

This is basically a function known as  transpose  (from Data.List).
Also, let's reorder the parameters.

     makeLines :: [Pos] -> [Chunk] -> [String]
     makeLines pos = map (makeLine pos) . transpose

>    makeLine :: [ Maybe Item ] -> [ Int ] -> String
>    makeLine items pos = foldl addItem [] (zip items pos)
>    addItem :: String -> ( Maybe Item, Int ) -> String
>    addItem s ( item, p ) =
>      let le = length s in case item of
>        Just ( l, r ) -> s ++ (replicate (p - le - l)  ' ') ++
>                         (replicate l 'x') ++ "|" ++ (replicate r 'x')
>        _             -> s
> data1 = [ [ Just (2,2), Just(1,1), Just (2,3 ) ],
>           [ Just (1,1),  Just (3,4), Just(1,1) ],
>           [ Just (4,4), Nothing, Just (1,1) ] ]
> answer = drawLayout data1 (layout3 data1)
> main = do putStr answer

  main = putStr answer   -- no  do  required

> *Main> main
>  xx|xx  x|x xxxx|xxxx
>   x|x xxx|xxxx
>  xx|xxx x|x    x|x
> *Main>



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