[Haskell-beginners] Fetching a URI

Aleksandar Dimitrov aleks.dimitrov at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 6 08:37:47 EDT 2009

Hi Adam,

>> ghc-pkg list
>> ...
>> /Users/adamkeys/.ghc/i386-darwin-6.8.2/package.conf:
>>    Cabal-, HTTP-3001.1.3, HTTP-4000.0.4, Shellac-0.9.5,
>> ...

It seems you have two versions of HTTP installed. I'm not really sure
about HTTP-3.x.x.x's API, but I'd wage a guess that it doesn't define
`getRequest`. When importing in ghci, your installation probably picks
the older one instead of the new version.

Try hiding the old package and see if it fixes your problem:

> ghc-pkg hide HTTP-3001.1.13

You can unhide it using `ghc-pkg unhide HTTP-3001.1.13`.


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