[Haskell-beginners] Re: making translation from imperative code
Michael Mossey
mpm at alumni.caltech.edu
Wed Apr 1 02:33:27 EDT 2009
Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
> Michael Mossey wrote:
>> I'm translating a Python program into Haskell, and running into a
>> problem---a type of code where I don't know how to make the conceptual
> Can you elaborate on what exactly the algorithm is doing? Does it just
> emit notes/chords/symbols at given positions or does it also try to
> arrange them nicely? And most importantly, "where" does it emit them to,
> i.e. what's the resulting data structure?
> So far, the problem looks like a basic fold to me.
Here is some Haskell code that explains the problem in
more detail.
-- layoutSystem
-- A "system" in musical typesetting terminology is a
-- collection of staves that are all played simultaneously;
-- that is, they are aligned in time and space. This is a
-- simple layout algorithm that uses the concept of
-- "chunk"--- a chunk is a set of events (notes, dynamic
-- changes, etc.) that occur on a subset of the staves, and
-- occur at the same time and therefore need to be aligned
-- vertically. Each item has a width and items must be
-- placed so they don't overlap. (There is no attempt to
-- align them in an aesthetically pleasing way; they simply
-- must not collide.)
-- We presume that something called a "score" exists, which
-- is an object representing the underlying music data, from
-- which can be extracted a list of chunks, each
-- associated with the time at which it is played. We
-- don't show the structure of a score here; we just
-- assume that we can operate on a score via two
-- functions:
-- A function to grab a chunk:
-- scoreGetChunkData :: Score -> Time -> ChunkData
-- A function to get time of next chunk:
-- scoreNextTime :: Score -> Time -> Time
-- This basic structure of this algorithm is a loop with state.
-- Here's the state.
-- 'time' :: Double -- is the time of next chunk to layout.
-- 'staffLayouts' :: [( String, StaffLayout)] -- is an
-- association list of staff names and StaffLayout
-- objects. Each StaffLayout object accumulates the chunks
-- that belong to that staff.
-- 'val' :: Int -- This is the next x-position that is
-- available for placing a new chunk (this
-- is an abbreviation for vertical
-- alignment line).
-- 'chunkDataMem' This is a cache or memory of all chunks
-- we have encountered in this system, for
-- lookup later.
data SystemLayoutState = SystemLayoutState
{ time :: Double,
staffLayouts :: [ ( String, StaffLayout ) ],
val :: Int,
chunkDataMem :: [ ChunkData ]
layoutSystem Double -> Score -> Int -> Config -> SystemLayoutState
layoutSystem firstTime score rightBorder config =
-- Work is done by helper function layoutSystem',
-- after giving it the initial state.
layoutSystem' initialState
-- Construct initial state.
where initialState = SystemLayoutState
{ time = firstTime,
staffLayouts = [],
val = getConfig config "prefixWidth",
storedChunkData = [] }
-- Define the helper function layoutSystem'
layoutSystem' :: SystemLayoutState -> SystemLayoutState
layoutSystem' state =
-- Get ChunkData from the score at the time
-- associated with the current state.
let chunkData = scoreGetChunkData score (time state)
-- Call 'incorporateChunkData' to try to add
-- it to the score. This will return a
-- tuple, the first member being the status
-- (True means we can add no more chunks
-- because we ran out of horizontal space)
-- and the second is updated state.
incorporateChunkData state chunkData rightBorder
( True, state' ) -> state'
( False, state' ) -> tryAgain state'
-- We separate the definition of tryAgain just to make
-- the structure of this whole function a little
-- clearer. tryAgain asks the score for the next
-- time at which a chunk exists. In the case there
-- *are no more* chunks, it terminates the
-- recursion, while also modifying the state in
-- some way to communicate that the recursion
-- terminated *because of running out of chunks*
-- instead of running out of horizontal
-- space. Otherwise it calls back to layoutSystem'.
tryAgain state =
case scoreNextTime score (time state) of
-1 -> indicateNoMoreChunks state
t -> layoutSystem' (setTime state t)
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