[Haskell-beginners] pattern for tree traversel with a state

C.M.Brown cmb21 at kent.ac.uk
Thu Oct 23 10:02:58 EDT 2008


I'm afraid I can't help answering your question, but I was wondering what
you were using to create your scene graph? I'm currently having to use
OpenSceneGraph in C++, and would be grateful if you knew of some kind of
Haskell wrapper for this?

Kind regards,

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, Andreas-Christoph Bernstein wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a pattern for tree traversal with a state ?
> I am developing a small scenegraph represented by a tree. To draw a
> scenegraph one traverses over the graph starting with a global state.
> Inner Nodes can overwrite the inherited state for their subtree (e.g.
> Transformations are accumulated). The accumulated state is then either
> used immediately to draw the geometry in the leaf nodes, or a secondary
> data structure is build. This secondary data structure (a list or a
> tree) can then be sorted for optimal drawing performance.
> So i want to do the second and create a list of all leaves with the
> accumulated global state. To illustrate my problem i appended some code.
> The idea similar applies to a scenegraph.
> So my Question is: Is there allready a pattern for traversal with a state ?
>  > module Main
>  > where
> produces: Fork (0,"a") (Fork (1,"a") (Leaf (2,"a")) (Leaf (1,"a")))
> (Leaf (0,"a"))
>  > newTree :: BTree State
>  > newTree = traverse modState globalState sampleTree
> produces: [(0,"a"),(1,"a"),(2,"a"),(1,"a"),(0,"a")]
>  > stateList = flattenTree newTree
>  > flattenTree (Leaf x) = [x]
>  > flattenTree (Fork x l r) = [x] ++ flattenTree l ++ flattenTree r
>  > type State = (Int, String)
>  >
>  > globalState :: State
>  > globalState = (0, "a")
> State modifiers
>  > data StateMod
>  >   = ModInt
>  >   | ModString
>  >   | ModNop
>  >   deriving Show
>  > modState :: StateMod -> State -> State
>  > modState ModInt (x,w) = (x+1,w)
>  > modState ModNop s = s
>  > modState ModString (x,w) = (x,'b':w)
>  > data BTree a = Fork a (BTree a) (BTree a)
>  >               | Leaf a
>  >               deriving Show
> traverses the tree and executes a function which modifies the current
> state depending on the statemodifier
>  > traverse :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BTree a -> BTree b
>  > traverse f state (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x state)
>  > traverse f state (Fork x l r) =
>  >   Fork (f x state) newLeft newRight
>  >   where newLeft   = traverse f (f x state) l
>  >         newRight  = traverse f (f x state) r
> an example tree
>  > sampleTree :: BTree StateMod
>  > sampleTree = Fork ModNop
>  >               (Fork ModInt (Leaf ModInt) (Leaf ModNop))
>  >                (Leaf ModNop)
> creates a list from a tree
>  > flattenTree (Leaf x) = [x]
>  > flattenTree (Fork x l r) = [x] ++ flattenTree l ++ flattenTree r
> Thanks for any help and ideas
> Andreas
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