[Haskell-beginners] Re: Installing Gtk2hs

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Sun Nov 30 00:47:58 EST 2008

>>>>> "Andy" == Andy Stewart <lazycat.manatee at gmail.com> writes:

    Andy> Hi, Colin, I found same problem with me.  I think gtk2hs
    Andy> can't compile success with GHC 6.10.1 So i back to 6.8

Thanks Andy.

I removed ghc 6.10.1 then did a yum groupinstall haskell.

I then tried again. This time the configure failed because it couldn't
find haddock. I had to manually add a link from haddock to haddock-0.9
in /usr/bin. Clearly a problem with the rpm packaging for Fedora.

Now make fails with:

    Couldn't match expected type `()' against inferred type `CInt'
      Expected type: Render ()
      Inferred type: Render CInt
    In the expression:
        $ (\ (SVG arg1) (Cairo arg2)
               -> withForeignPtr arg1
                $ \ argPtr1 -> rsvg_handle_render_cairo argPtr1 arg2)
            svg cr
    In the expression:
        do cr <- ask
           $ (\ (SVG arg1) (Cairo arg2)
                  -> withForeignPtr arg1
                   $ \ argPtr1 -> rsvg_handle_render_cairo argPtr1 arg2)
               svg cr
make[1]: *** [svgcairo/Graphics/Rendering/Cairo/SVG.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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