[Haskell-beginners] (re-send) (fwd) Haskell Quick Reference (1-page PDF) - QuickReference.pdf (0/1)

Benjamin L.Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Fri Nov 7 02:15:29 EST 2008

The PDF attachment to the following forwarded message was mistakenly
content-filtered away, so I have modified the filtering options to
include PDF files.

This is a retransmission, with the PDF file reattached; if this
attempt fails, I shall need to do some research on specifying
filtering options for content types in Mailman before attempting yet
another retransmission.

-- Benjamin L. Russell

On Fri, 07 Nov 2008 15:40:25 +0900, Benjamin L.Russell
<DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com> wrote:

>The following one-page Haskell Quick Reference was posted earlier
>today on Haskell-Cafe; I am forwarding it to this list as a reference
>for any interested beginners.
>-- Benjamin L. Russell
>On Thu, 6 Nov 2008 13:41:13 +0000, in gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe
>Malcolm Wallace <Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk> wrote:
>>Some time ago, there was a thread about a "CheatSheet" for Haskell
>>beginners.  As I recall, the CheatSheet was more than 12 pages long.
>>For a Haskell tutorial I was running at a conference recently, I needed
>>a "Quick Reference Guide" that would fit onto a single side of A4.  So I
>>knocked one together quickly, and it is attached as a PDF.  I send it to
>>this list, with permission for anyone to distribute it more widely as
>>they wish, in the hope that it might be useful.
>>Doubtless it is incomplete, and I have no particular desire to fix
>>errors or maintain this document, so if anyone is interested and would
>>like to adopt it, I can pass on the editable sources.  It was originally
>>created as an Apple Numbers spreadsheet (simply for speed of creation)
>>but could be converted to Excel or CSV, for import into other tools.
>>    Malcolm

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