[Haskell-beginners] Re: [Haskell-cafe] represent data sturcture using function

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 18:15:38 EST 2008

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:29 AM,  <raeck at msn.com> wrote:
> Would you please give me a complete example of code that I could have more
> information
> on the idea?

Sure, I put up an example at http://ryani.freeshell.org/haskell/gmap.hs

class MapKey k where
    data (:->) k :: * -> *
    newMap :: (k -> v) -> (k :-> v)
    fetch  :: (k :-> v) -> (k -> v)
    update :: k -> (v -> v) -> (k :-> v) -> (k :-> v)
    assign :: k -> v -> (k :-> v) -> (k :-> v)
    assign k v m = update k (const v) m
    empty  :: v -> (k :-> v)
    empty = newMap . const

with instances & associated data types:

instance MapKey () where
    -- A single value
    newtype () :-> v = UMap v

instance MapKey Bool where
    -- A value for False and True
    data Bool :-> v = BMap v v

instance (MapKey k1, MapKey k2) => MapKey (k1,k2) where
    -- A "curried" map
    newtype (k1,k2) :-> v = PMap (k1 :-> k2 :-> v)

instance (MapKey k1, MapKey k2) => MapKey (Either k1 k2) where
    -- sub-maps for Left k1 and Right k2
    data (Either k1 k2 :-> v) = EMap (k1 :-> v) (k2 :-> v)

instance MapKey k => MapKey (Maybe k) where
    -- Now we can build up from existing structures!
    newtype (Maybe k) :-> v = MaybeM (Either () k :-> v)

instance MapKey k => MapKey [k] where
    -- Value for [] and map for (head:tail)
    -- Note that this includes a recursive ([k] :-> v) map
    -- in the pair map (k,[k]) :-> v
    data [k] :-> v = ListM v ((k,[k]) :-> v)

instance MapKey Positive where
    -- We just convert a positive number into
    -- a list of Bools, then make a map of those
    newtype Positive :-> v = PosMap ([Bool] :-> v)

instance MapKey Integer where
    -- Now an integer is either negative, zero, or positive.
    -- So we store a map for negative numbers, a zero value,
    -- and a map for positive numbers.
    data Integer :-> v = IntMap (Positive :-> v) v (Positive :-> v)

The rest of the class functions are reasonably easy to derive from
their type and these data types.

  -- ryan

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