[Haskell-beginners] until and Time

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Dec 31 22:54:44 EST 2008

Am Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2009 04:18 schrieb Steve Klabnik:
> Hello everyone. I have a quick question about Time.
> I was talking about Haskell on the Arch Linux forums today, and someone was
> trying to put together code that would print a series of periods for, say,
> 5 minutes. I felt like using 'until' would be the most correct way of going
> about it, but when I tried to do it...
> import Time
> makeLater      :: ClockTime -> ClockTime
> makeLater t    =  addToClockTime (TimeDiff 0 0 0 0 0 5 0) t
> updateTime :: ClockTime -> ClockTime
> updateTime t = t
> main = do
>   start <- getClockTime
>   until ((==) $ makeLater start) (updateTime) start
>   putStrLn "done"
> Now, updateTime isn't correct. And this wouldn't print any periods. But GHC
> is giving me errors:
> $ runhaskell temp.hs
> temp.hs:11:2:
>     Couldn't match expected type `IO t'
>            against inferred type `ClockTime'
>     In the expression:
>         until ((==) $ makeLater start) (updateTime) start
>     In a 'do' expression:
>         until ((==) $ makeLater start) (updateTime) start
>     In the expression:
>         do start <- getClockTime
>            until ((==) $ makeLater start) (updateTime) start
>            putStrLn "done"
> I'm not sure where IO t is coming from at all. Am I even on the right
> track? How would you write this code?

Since it appears as a statement in the main do-block, ghc expects "until ..." 
to have type IO t. But as
Prelude> :t until
until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a

until ((==) $ makeLater start) (updateTime) start

actually has type ClockTime, so can't appear as a statement in a do-block, 
that's what ghc tells you.

Since you want a timeout, which involves IO, you must do something in IO.
You can define a general control structure (I'm sure that is already defined 
somewhere, but I can't be bothered to hoogle it now)

untilM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
untilM test action value = do
	stop <- test value
	if stop then return value
	  else do
	    newval <- action value
	    untilM test action newval

and then 

isLaterThan :: ClockTime -> IO Bool
isLaterThan end = do
	now <- getClockTime
	return (end < now)

main = do
	start <- getClockTime
	let end = addToClockTime (TimeDiff 0 0 0 0 0 5 0) start
	untilM (\_ -> isLaterThan end) (\_ -> putChar '.') ()
	putStr "\n"

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