[arch-haskell] Best way to workaround haskell-nats blocking upgrade?

Bastien Traverse neitsab at esrevart.net
Tue May 12 11:55:14 UTC 2015


When I try to upgrade I get this blocking error:

> :: Starting full system upgrade...
> resolving dependencies...
> looking for conflicting packages...
> error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
> :: haskell-nats: requires ghc=7.8.4-1
> :: haskell-nats: requires haskell-hashable=

Then I saw in https://github.com/archhaskell/habs/issues/183 this was a
known issue, but I don't really get what the best workaround for it is:

- I tried to `--ignore haskell-nats`, to no avail;
- I tried to remove it but `haskell-semigroups` depends on it;
- I tried to reinstall `haskell-semigroups` but it gave a long list of
errors with many packages saying they depend on ghc=7.8.4-1 (my
databases are up to date though);
- I tried to reinstall haskell-gitit, which pulls haskell-pandoc but I
also get a "failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy
dependencies)" error.

So, is the only way to workaround this to purge the whole Haskell
platform and then reinstall it, as suggested in the previously mentioned


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