[arch-haskell] For the brave: alternative versioning in testing repo

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Fri May 1 06:55:57 UTC 2015

The repo [haskell-testing] now contains all packages from
[haskell-core] modified according to one of the alternatives for a new
versioning scheme:

    <package name>-<version>_<x-rev>-<release>

All the existing packages have been taken apart, had their meta data
modified, and then been re-assembled again.

If you feel brave, please turn on the testing repo and see what issues
pop up (so far it's worked fine for me).


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

Java is, in many ways, C++--.
     -- M Feldman
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