[arch-haskell] Pandoc fails creating document with citation styles

Ray Rashif schivmeister at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 07:43:06 UTC 2014

Hi guys

I must admit that Haskell is unfamiliar territory and requires far
more time to debug -- time that I do not have. For this reason I must
seek your help in troubleshooting an issue with pandoc, citations and
citation styles.

A while ago when the Haskell stuff were all in the official repos I
successfully used pandoc with citations (--biblio) and *.csl style
files (--csl $file). [1] Now that I have moved over to using the
arch-haskell repos (after a hiatus from markdown), I see that this no
longer works:

~$ pandoc test.md -o test.pdf --biblio test.bib --csl apa.csl
pandoc-citeproc: error while parsing the XML string
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc

In fact, none of the example styles included inside
haskell-pandoc-citeproc works and they output the same error. You may
get the test files from [1] and one or more csl files to test from

I also reported this upstream [2] and it looks like the problem is
downstream -- either my system, the dependency chain, or a packaging
error somewhere. I would appreciate it if someone else could first
reproduce the error, and then we can try to fix it. Thanks!


[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/35657
[2] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/pandoc-discuss/76DoTPISouA/6uAyjvTz820J


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