[arch-haskell] Recent change to Hackage causes delay in updates

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Thu Nov 6 14:19:42 UTC 2014

On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 09:55:30AM +0000, SP wrote:
> On 06/11/14 08:55, Magnus Therning wrote:
>> Specifically, I extract the changed .cabal for pandoc, which only
>> existed in the index file, and put the changes into
>> `patches/pandoc.source`, then I can remove `patches/pandoc.cabal`.
> Without experience in this, I was thinking that searching for diffs
> and automatic patching of the old cabals was one of doing it. But
> Apparently you don't care for the cabal? I mean it is only for deps
> anyway mostly right?

The .cabal is of course used to get to the dependencies, but beyond
that it's not used for much in `cblrepo`, that's right.

Automatic diffing would be one way.  I was planning on simply copying
in the correct .cabal (found in the index file) from the generated
PKGBUILD.  In either case the .cabal file has to be extracted from the
index at `cblrepo pkgbuild`, something that hasn't been required

>> It's not a very good long-term solution, but it makes it workable
>> until I have finished refactoring `cblrepo` so it can deal with
>> the situation more intelligently.
> What is coming up?

The plan is to do the following:

- modify the database format to hold the x-revision
- modify `cblrepo list` to show the x-revision
- modify `cblrepo updates` to pull out the .cabal from the index when
  looking for updates (previously it was enough to just look at the
  path in the .cabal to determine if an updated package was available)
- modify `cblrepo add` to deal with x-revision
- modify `cblrepo pkgbuild` to extract the .cabal from the index and
  generate PKGBUILDs having it as a source and copying it into the
  build folder, the version number of the packages also should include
  the x-revision

Before all of this I want to rewrite the handling (reading, patching,
copying) of .cabal files slightly.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

Code as if whoever maintains your program is a violent psychopath who knows
where you live.
     -- Anonymous
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