[arch-haskell] ghc 7.4.1 in a temporary repo

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Sat Oct 12 07:40:01 UTC 2013

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 12:33:56PM +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
> Another entry in the debate on ghc 7.4.1 :)
> I've put up a repo containing ghc 7.4.1, darcs-beta (stable darcs
> doesn't build out of the box) and xmonad.
> [ghc74]
> Server = http://www.kiwilight.com/~magnus/$repo
> Only built for x86_64 (since it's the future ;).  Let me know if
> anyone's interested in building it for i686, then I'll share the
> source for it all.

I've now moved this, and updated it to work together with [testing].
The new repo is

Server = http://xsounds.org/~haskell/ghc74

To use it I'd recommend the following procedure:

0. Remove all haskell packages 'pacman -Rncs ghc'
1. Add [testing] to /etc/pacman.conf
2. Run 'pacman -Sy
3. Install ghc from testing 'pacman -S testing/ghc'
4. Remove [testing] from /etc/pacman.conf
5. Add [ghc74] to /etc/pacman.conf
6. Run 'pacman -Sy
7. Re-install the haskell packages you want


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with
millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural
integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves.
     -- Alan Kay
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