[arch-haskell] GHC 7.4.1 or HP 2011.4.0.0??

Peter Hercek phercek at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 07:39:53 UTC 2013

my opinion:
ghc 7.4.1; forget about hp; if something does not build
  with ghc 7.4.1 then drop it from repository till some
  of the package users fix it and provide a patch
if [extra] and [community] do not move  just put ghc
  in [haskell]; I'm actually like the idea that there should
  not be anything haskell related in [extra]/[community]


On 02/03/2012 04:28 PM, Magnus Therning wrote:
> It's been out for a day now... this would be a good time to decide
> whether ArchLinux should be bold and move to a haskell-platform-free
> state, or trudge on with HP and the ache it causes.
> If we're moving to 7.4.1 there's a lot of work with getting
> ArchHaskell in shape for it, so the longer notice the better :)
> If we're to trudge on with HP then we really ought to move to
> 2011.4.0.0, which also means a new version of GHC and a lot of work on
> ArchHaskell, so the longer notice the better :)
> Please, please, please, can we move on this soon?
> I'm available to help out with [extra]&[community] packages if need
> be, updating PKGBUILDs, building, verifying other's changes, etc.
> /M

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