[arch-haskell] [arch-general] Haskell Support Was: Xmonad version?

Peter Hercek phercek at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 07:39:48 UTC 2013

On 12/24/2011 01:29 AM, Fabio Riga wrote:
> I made a testing repo and updated to ghc-7.2.2 some 100 packages, and 
> everything looks okay. For me it's the same, we can use both 7.2.2 or 
> 7.0.4. During Christmas holiday I have enough time to try and build 
> most of packages for one of those. If Magnus agree.
> Witch version should I use? For now we have 1 vote for 7.2.2 (Magnus) 
> and 1 for 7.0.4 (Bernardo).

I'm indifferent as for as the choice between 7.2.2. and 7.0.4. Though 
there is a question whether it makes sense, when 7.4.1 rc1 is out. 
Hopefully in few months there will be 7.4.1 and I would like to see that 
soon in archlinux (mostly to try DPH). I could try it in 7.2.2. but I do 
not know how much it changed to 7.4.1. and I can wait a bit to try 
something more stable.


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