[arch-haskell] Leksah depends on haddock which isn't listed in ghc-pkg

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Sat Oct 12 07:39:18 UTC 2013

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 13:30, Peter Simons <simons at cryp.to> wrote:
> Hi Leif,
>  > I was trying to add the IDE Leksah, and some of the parts have
>  > dependencies on specific versions of haddock. Haddock is provided by
>  > the ghc package, but it's not listed in ghc-pkg list.
> why would it be necessary for Haddock to be listed by ghc-pkg? The way I
> see it, "cabal configure" should simply find Haddock in $PATH, no?

Haddock (on Hackage) is both a program and a library.  GHC doesn't
include the library (only the program), and I'm guessing that's what
is required.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

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