[arch-haskell] Bauerbill stopped building and installing packages, then started again

gdweber at iue.edu gdweber at iue.edu
Sat Oct 12 07:37:55 UTC 2013

For about a month, it seems, when I ran 'bauerbill -Syu' it would list a
bunch of packages that were upgradable, and I think actually
downloaded the packages, but would not build or install them.

Now that I've finally found time to post a question about it,
it's mysteriously resumed building and installing packages.

Just wondering, anyone know the explanation for this?

Someone has posted this comment

    Comment by: wsduvall on Wed, 27 Oct 2010 00:09:22 +0000

        No longer works with https transition.

on the AUR page for bauerbill (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33511)

   ___   ___  __     _      
  / _ \ / _ \| |    | |     Gregory D. Weber, Associate Professor
 / /_\// / | | | /\ | |     Indiana University East
/ /_\\/ /__| | |/  \| |     http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/
\____/\_____/\___/\__/      Tel. (765) 973-8420; FAX (765) 973-8550

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